HubPages Versus Squidoo Lens: Which is Better? And 10 HubPages and Squidoo Mistakes to Avoid
HubPages Versus Squidoo Lens: Which Is Better?
When it comes to online communities, Squidoo and HubPages rank at the top of the list. They both offer tools that allow the user to be creative, unique and productive, all without technical knowledge or software. But if you had to choose, which is better?
Both online communities provide a method to build pages, called lenses in Squidoo and Hubs with HubPages. Members of HubPages are called Hubbers and Squidoo members are called Lensmasters. Each community is free to join, simple to use and allow you to share your passions one webpage at a time.
In Squidoo, you build with modules, and in HubPages you use capsules. Both perform similar purposes that allow you to organize your webpage as you please. Each module and capsule can hold content: text, photographs, newsfeeds, links and each can serve as a conduit to monetization via Amazon, eBay or AdSense. You can also add your own products or affiliate products to either of these platforms, and you can get Kontera ads automatically on HubPages. On Squidoo lenses, you can add the Kontera Ad code via HTML in modules.
Each lens or hub is ranked by visitors, and each rises in the rankings based on the number of visitors clicking on the site. Building a quality lens or Hub will gain you a following that is reflected in the \”Hubscore\” or \”Lensrank\”. In terms of referral commissions, you can earn $5.00 per referral on Squidoo if you meet their stipulations (check with their site for updates on this) and nothing upfront but 10% of any ad revenue that referrals make.
So, now that you\’ve seen the comparisons, figuring out which platform is better actually comes down to a couple of things, plus your own personal preference. Squidoo lenses get a bit more traffic and offer various skins (similar to templates) that give lenses a slightly more professional look. Hubs are more standardized and don\’t have as many design features as HubPages. However, Hubs are easier to navigate, and links are easier to access. In addition, HubPages give more Google AdSense palettes, which can translate into increased revenue.
Search engine optimization (SEO) ranking for each platform is about even, but security features are somewhat better on Squidoo. This can be important in terms of deleting lenses where you need to enter a password prior to completion. Overall, it really comes down to personal preference, because both platforms have ups and downs, and the tools are about even.
10 HubPages and Squidoo Mistakes to Avoid
Squidoo and HubPages can be wonderful resources to get the word out about your blog or website, to earn an extra stream of money, or to practice and to showcase your writing skills. If you are a business owner, then your first priority might be focused on creating interesting articles that will inform your readers about main news or other interesting information related to your business, products or services, and invite website guests over to your blog or website to learn more.
The beauty of using platforms such as HubPages and Squidoo, is that both websites are free to join. However, there are many common mistakes that new authors of HubPages, and of Squidoo make. These mistakes are time wasters, because they leave your articles unpublished and in some cases, get you banned from publishing on these sites. Here\’s a look at some of the most common mistakes to avoid on these websites:
– Don\’t skip reading the FAQ pages and the beginning writer\’s pages. So many questions can be answered here, and these are designed for newbies.
– Don\’t plagiarize or publish duplicate content.
– Don\’t create pages that are too spammy or promotional.
– Don\’t post explicit content if it\’s not allowed.
– Don\’t ignore the forums or the groups. They are networking opportunities, and they are there to help you
learn the ropes and about opportunities.
– Don\’t forget to promote your pages (hubs and lenses). Really, it won\’t happen on its own.
– Don\’t create irrelevant, sloppy, uninteresting, or otherwise bad content.
– Don\’t use bad grammar, spelling, or other poorly written content.
– Don\’t portray yourself as an expert, when the quality of your content betrays you as otherwise.
– Don\’t forget to get help as needed. If you find your work in Under Construction status at Squidoo, for instance, follow up with member forums there or support to find out how to fix your lens and revise it, as needed. There can be any number of reasons that trigger this, and not all are permanent or bad. In fact, many can be fixed quickly and easily by adding a little more content and / or modules.
These might seem amusing to appalling, but these mistakes happen all of the time. However, if you stay away from these mistakes, and if you are very clear on the guidelines, then you should have no problem getting your work published, or with getting lots of visitors for your pages.
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Advance with Affordable Business Support Services & Products, Outsourcing with Personal Virtual Assistants today at: – visit the links to sign up for their free newsletter packed with tips!
Author Bio: Advance with Affordable Business Support Services & Products, Outsourcing with Personal Virtual Assistants today at: – visit the links to sign up for their free newsletter packed with tips!
Category: Advice
Keywords: SEO ranking,HTML,Hubbers,Squidoo Lens,HubPages