How Dirty Air Ducts Can Be a Problem For Your Health

Everyone that owns a home knows that there are basic maintenance types of things that you have to do from time to time. Actually, there are three groups of things that you have on your lists. There are the things that you have to do like mow the yard and fix broken doors. There are the things that you should do like fix the shutters and replace the outside light bulbs when they burn out. Then there are the things that you always hear about, but you never do. One of the things on that last list is to contact a HVAC specialist to clean out your ducts. Continue reading to find out why duct cleaning should be on your “have to” list.

Most people have heard about duct cleaning. You may have even heard the recommendations about how it is important that you have this done at least once a year. The problem is that nobody really understands why it is important that this gets done. Most people just chalk it up to one of those things that people repeat because “I heard it somewhere”. If you knew the reasons that this was important, it is likely that you would make this more of a priority. One of the reasons that you should keep your air ducts clean is to reduce the symptoms that are associated with allergies. If the ducts are not cleaned, it is very likely that you will begin to breed dust mites. If you or anyone in your family has any allergies, the symptoms will become much worse if the air ducts are allowed to get dirty.

There are many other things that can grow in your air ducts that can be much worse for your health than allergy symptoms. One of these is e-coli. The symptoms of this illness can include cramps, nausea and even bloody diarrhea. If this condition is not recognized and treated right away or if it is a particularly bad case, it could involve fatalities. Another health condition related to air ducts that do not get cleaned out is the MRSA virus. This usually does not happen unless the ducts have not been cleaned for a very long time, but it can be very serious. Light cases only include rashes and redness of the skin. However, more serious cases can include problems with your lungs and other breathing difficulties.

Dirty air ducts also become a breeding ground for mold and they can even start to attract pests after a while. Having pests in your house is bad enough on its own. However, when the pests get into your air duct, it becomes much worse. The reason this is such a substantial problem is because there is waste from the pests in the air ducts.

Think about that for just a moment. Do you really think that it is healthy to have the air that you are breathing to come through ducts full of rodent waste? Something like that cannot possibly be very healthy for you or for your family.

Ellie Lewis recently contacted a Louisville HVAC specialist to fix a problem in her office building. She scheduled an appointment with a Louisville duct cleaning company to blow out debris in the ductwork.

For more information about HVAC go to .

Author Bio: Ellie Lewis recently contacted a Louisville HVAC specialist to fix a problem in her office building. She scheduled an appointment with a Louisville duct cleaning company to blow out debris in the ductwork.

Category: Business
Keywords: Louisville HVAC,Louisville duct cleaning

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