Are Most Economies Built on Thin Ice?

Winston Churchill once said something like, democracy was the worst form of government, but better than all the rest. Britain, were Winston once governed has been slapping itself on the back all week, well in particular the coalition government of Nick Clegg and David Cameron have.

Clegg, leader of the Liberal Democrats has said Britain has lead the way in the economic recession by making the tough decision to lower it’s balance sheet deficit. That is very much to be applauded at face value. Then a sentence or 2 later he went on to reveal because of these decisions we can now borrow at very low interest rates.

I was like, hang on a minute, let’s scrutinize that aside. Why do you have to borrow in the first place? The U.S. economy is also built on borrowing. Greece & Ireland are looking to borrow heavily just to stay afloat. So my question is what have the politicians in charge of running their countries being doing for decades?

Have they not been developing sound infrastructures of money management that determine the correct rate of taxes and funds necessary to run the country? How long would a chief seo marketing executive last at a major corporation if he ran it into the ground and decided to operate out of billions of dollars of debt?

It shows you what the people in charge of capitalistic democracy have been doing for years. Taxing the poor too high, fiddling the balance sheets, taxing the rich too low, and using the public’s money to bail out the banks, when there wasn’t any money in the coiffeurs.

It shows you all governments loyalties lie with keeping the rich happy and business corporation and officials afloat. Could it be that they are only men who’s real desire is to take back handers and end up as chief executives in highly paid corporations if they nudge nudge help them out.?

The sickening thing now is that most of the banks are now in profit. But there is no money left now for loans. Why would the bank give out its capital to companies who couldn’t succeed in paying it back as no one else in the country can get money to buy their wares? So the banks are now healthy after being saved by the public, but the public are in peril.

Makes great sense for politicians to be so closely aligned with banks and corporations. It’s probably time that a complete split should be made from banks and governments. Just last week a major Swiss bank lost $2 billion dollars to a rogue trader. So this crap still goes on. Yeah that’s the real reason banks and the economies collapsed, GREED. And it still goes on. And members of the public are being vilified for being too consumerist.

But what happens if a private corporation goes bust because of toxic deals? The over burgeoned public rescue them. What happens when the public suffer hardship because of economic collapse? They go hungry, jobless, their hospitials get closed, people die of preventable diseases, they go into depression because of no work and prospects. Their everyday bills sky rocket, more families slip into poverty. They then get taxed higher, and who rescues them, the banks? No they just laugh al the way to….

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Category: Finances
Keywords: Banks, banking disaster, economics, economic downturn, us economy, Winston Churchill, money, money m

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