When Is It Time To Get A Criminal Lawyer

If you are wondering whether to get a criminal lawyer or not, the odds are good you need one! If you have been approached by the police or you\’re being tried in court. There are several things to keep in mind.

When you are confronted by the police, they are legally obliged to tell you you have the right to remain silent. If they fail to tell you this, your case will likely be thrown out, which means that, apart from a few isolated instances, they will prompt you of your legal rights. Take them up on this! After, they may try and get information out of you by saying something to the effect of, \’we just want to ask you one thing,\’ or, \’how come you want to speak to your lawyer?\’ All you need to tell them is, \’I need to speak to my lawyer.\’

There is no presumption of guilt associated with that statement, and if any police at the station try to insinuate that you\’re in some kind of trouble because you want to speak to a lawyer, ignore them! They will try and pressure you, but there\’s nothing they can do. On the other hand, anything you say to them can be used in court, even if they\’ve warned you about your right to remain silent. Indeed, it\’s on all those television shows for a reason.

There are all kinds of situations when innocent people find themselves in trouble with the law because the police have made an honest, or dishonest, mistake. People get pulled over for driving erratically and the cop might claim he smelled alcohol, or perhaps you were peacefully demonstrating, a practice enshrined in our law, but the police want to hassle you and arrest you for trespassing. Perhaps a neighbor hears a domestic dispute and makes too much of it and calls the police. Of course all these situations (drunken driving, assaulting a police officer at a demonstration and domestic abuse) are serious problems plaguing society, but when a judge looks at the accused, after years of being hardened by seeing the same recurring people, he may fail to appreciate the individual cases before him. He may generalize, and for this you need a good criminal lawyer who will make explicitly clear for him your individuality and the merits of your particular case. There are all kinds of stories like this that greatly impact your life, and if you\’re found guilty of these charges, whether you did it or not, it may be hard to come back from. You can lose your work, your family, and it can be a permanent stain on your record.

For all these reasons, getting a criminal lawyer is absolutely crucial in these situations and more. If you\’re ever uncertain whether or not you need one, err on the side of caution, open your phone book or use the internet and find yourself a good lawyer!

Looking for Toronto criminal lawyers? Adam Weisberg 6 Adelaide St E, Toronto, ON M5C 1T6 (416) 603-3344 is committed to providing exceptional and dedicated client services should you need assistance in facing criminal charges.

Looking for Toronto criminal lawyers? Adam Weisberg 6 Adelaide St E, Toronto, ON M5C 1T6 (416) 603-3344 is committed to providing exceptional and dedicated client services should you need assistance in facing criminal charges. http://www.criminal-lawyer-toronto.ca/

Author Bio: Looking for Toronto criminal lawyers? Adam Weisberg 6 Adelaide St E, Toronto, ON M5C 1T6 (416) 603-3344 is committed to providing exceptional and dedicated client services should you need assistance in facing criminal charges.

Category: Legal
Keywords: law,legal,lawyer,crime,criminal,finance,business,family,society,assault

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