The Info You Need to Know About Structured Payments

Sometimes, you can learn a lot just be watching a little bit of television. This is especially true if you pay any attention at all to the commercials that are on because a lot of times you can learn about things that exist that you had never heard about before. One of the things that you may have seen in some of those commercials is a structured settlement. These types of structured settlements might be very beneficial to you if you ever find yourself in the position of owing someone a great deal of money that you cannot pay all at once.

When you take out a mortgage loan, you agree to pay the mortgage a certain amount of money each month. This is a little bit different than the types of settlements we are talking about here, but the payment schedule is very similar. The basic definition is that it is a financial package that is set up between two people or businesses that dictates the terms of the payments that are to be made over the length of the agreement.

One of the more common uses of this type of an agreement is the settlement of a legal claim or as the result of a personal injury that deserves compensation. These types of settlements are becoming a lot more popular these days because of the benefits that they provide to both sides of the agreement. A big benefit from the perspective of the person making the payments is that they do not have to find a way to come up with the entire sum of money at once. In many cases, if they had to do this, they would be forced to sell their home and spend their entire savings. In short, it would be a financial disaster for them to pay all of the money that they owed at one time. Having a settlement plan allows them to make payments over a long period of time that is much more manageable for their current financial situation.

A big benefit from the perspective of the person receiving the payments is that it is a consistent source of income. This might not be helpful if they are trying to save up enough money to buy a house, but if they already own a home, this can be a huge plus. Since it is a legal agreement, they will be able to count on a certain amount of money coming into their bank account every month.

However, if you know that you are planning a big purchase, it is possible to structure the payments a little bit differently. Sometimes it is more beneficial to the person receiving the money to have a larger lump sum up front and then smaller payments for the rest of the term. Other times, it may be more beneficial to receive payments once per year, etc. Another benefit of these settlements is that they may be tax free for a certain period of time. Taxes are something you should think a lot about whenever someone owes you money.

Penny Lane recently researched a landmarkstructured settlement case for an article. She learned that structured settlements are the best alternative in some cases.

For more information about structured settlements go to .

Author Bio: Penny Lane recently researched a landmarkstructured settlement case for an article. She learned that structured settlements are the best alternative in some cases.

Category: Finances
Keywords: structured settlement,structured settlements

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