Combating Test Anxiety

It\’s happened to everyone, that feeling of apprehension before a big exam. No matter how prepared a person may feel, the fear of doing poorly may be stronger. For children, the fear of having to tell a parent the bad news only compounds the sensation of panic. The good news is that through working with our tutors, students in Bradenton and Sarasota can learn the abilities needed to feel confident and relaxed when they are going into a test situation.

A significant problem with test anxiety is that it can adversely impact the student\’s actual performance on the test. He or she will be at a disadvantage already at the start. If, by chance, the test does prove to be more difficult than was expected, the situation can quickly start to feel overwhelming. Once the spiral of fear has started, it is hard to convince oneself to calm down, especially if the test has already begun.

When a person is feeling anxious, the body produces extra amounts of the hormone adrenaline, leading to the so-called \”fight or flight\” sensation. This is not a good condition to be in when you need to be able to think clearly, for example if you are trying to remember the answers or compose an essay for a test. Even if you are able to talk yourself into a calmer state before the test begins, your body is still processing the adrenaline. The best thing is not to panic in the first place.

It may seem that there\’s no way to prevent test anxiety, that it\’s just one of those things you have to deal with. But that is not the case. You can learn how to approach test taking differently so that you break the mental association with distress.

Being properly prepared by fully understanding the material that will be covered by an exam is, of course, most vital. There are other important factors as well. You should ensure that you are well rested and have eaten. Being tired or hungry will affect your brain\’s capacity to function.

The drawbacks to a cramming session the night before a test are many. Trying to learn too much material all at once is a failing strategy. Cramming tends to have a random approach, rather than an organized one, to the material, so you miss out on associations that could help you remember things better. Most likely, you won\’t get enough – or any – sleep, further affecting your ability to think and your mood.

Working with our tutors in Sarasota and Bradenton will teach you how to do be well prepared, by teaching you the skills you need for studying at the right pace so that you approach test day with a solid foundation. Going beyond that, you will also learn some techniques for attacking test anxiety directly if it does hit you.

Furthermore, you will have developed good habits in terms of studying and learning skills, which will make you more confident about your outcomes. After all, that\’s the ultimate purpose of tutoring.

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Category: Education
Keywords: test anxiety,attacking test anxiety,test anxiety directly

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