Industry\’s Requirements For an Enterprise Labeling System

There are many types of labeling system today. You just need to think of your enterprise\’s needs and you will surely be able to find a company that manufactures one. Most individuals and companies would want an enterprise labeling system that has an easy to use software, high-speed printer, and efficient scanner. You could also consider the modern wireless labeling systems. You should also look for a labeling system that is compatible with labeling supplies that are easy to find. Depending on the kind of industry you are in, you may also have specific requirements on an enterprise labeling system. You can choose from a wide array of labeling systems including barcode and RFID systems.


The government has a great need for labeling system. They need to track assets, supplier and vehicles. They also need it to ensure security and to ensure that records are in order and well kept. It can also be used for personnel tracking.

A government agency may have some particular requirements for a labeling system. For instance, it may need an above the average security measure for their assets or to ensure that the staffs are present and productive during work hours.


The healthcare industry also has a need for labeling systems. Some of the most known applications are patient wristbands, tracking of medical supply and administration management. Healthcare providers need to track medications, record and keep information about patients, and tag lab results or developed drugs.

Like in many industries, the healthcare industry needs a labeling system that will save everyone time and money but the most important thing is that errors – whether on the part of human users or computer – are eliminated especially if it will be of patient\’s expense. Thus, automated labeling systems are often the top choice. The top options are the ones that use RFID or barcode technology. It is also important that your labeling system complies with the HIPPA and JCAHO requirements.


Schools and universities also have a great need for a labeling system. A wireless barcode or RFID labeling system can help in fixed asset tracking and inventory control. Some libraries even use barcode or RFID labeling system for check in and out of books.

Manufacturing Business

The manufacturing is no exemption in a need for labeling system. Some of the common requirements when buying a manufacture enterprise labeling system are low price and efficiency. The system must help the manufacturers monitor the raw materials, track the operations, deliver the products to the right dealers on time, and to keep track of the expenses.

Distribution Business

A lot of distributors or dealers are looking for a competent labeling system, too. You should consider the kinds of products that you are selling. Do your products need to be kept in fridges? There are labeling systems that are compatible with labels that can stand very cold temperature and there are ones that can stand extremely hot temperature. There are also some systems that are specifically designed for sensitive products.

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Category: Computers and Technology
Keywords: labeling system,enterprise labeling system

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