Get Off The Treadmill And Power Walk Outdoors

Ever wondered how a friendly stroll to your neighborhood grocery store, or a quick jog to the nearest K-Mart, burns as many, if not more, calories as an intense cardio session in the gym? The benefits of outdoor power walking are vast and varied, but easily the best part about it is that you never realize when you are actually shedding those pounds!

Ignorance is Bliss

You clearly know how waking up early in the morning and pushing yourself out of your bed and in to the gym, is a lot easier said than done! There is clearly no debate when it comes to choosing between that extra half hour of sleep, and a half hour’s run on the treadmill. With outdoor fitness, you never really feel that you are working out. You can go about doing your daily chores and not even realize that you have burned enough calories to make up for that Double Whopper from Burger King that you feasted on the previous night!

Sense of Purpose

Running on the treadmill can get quite monotonous over time, since you find yourself at the same place as you started at, in spite of running for so long. Outdoor walking gives you a better sense of progression because when you are walking outside, you are actually going somewhere! It is a lot more motivating, giving you a greater feeling of accomplishment. You can take in a view, explore new routes, and see something new every time you walk.

More for Less

Also, you tend to burn 5-10% more calories when power walking outdoors as compared to running on a treadmill for the same amount of time. This is understandable since you have to contend with wind resistance and terrain changes while walking outside, and you don’t have the treadmill belt to propel you forward, making walking outside a considerably tiring exercise.

Relax and Enjoy Mother Nature

After a long day at school or work, you are always looking for some time to de-stress. Some time where you can just be on your own, listen to your iPod, or just walk around and do nothing! This is another beauty of outdoor fitness; it lets you soak in the atmosphere. You can walk around and enjoy the scenery, get some fresh air, and experience the wonderful climate. Additionally, you get to soak up some rays that give you your daily dose of Vitamin D.

Run of the Mill

Running on a treadmill has its own advantages too; primarily the fact that you can always work out, even if a hurricane hits your city! It is an all weather tool, and you need not stop your training if it starts raining or snowing outside. You are always surrounded by people in a gym that can make working out a great social exercise. However, nothing beats the merits of outdoor fitness. It gives you time to be by yourself and enjoy your surroundings, beats the boredom experienced on a treadmill, and gives you a sense of purpose while walking. And last, but certainly not the least, it’s absolutely free!

If you\’d like to register for an Outdoor Fitness program, or if you\’d like a $1 two-week boot camp trial, visit Personal Trainers in Sydney.

Author Bio: If you\’d like to register for an Outdoor Fitness program, or if you\’d like a $1 two-week boot camp trial, visit Personal Trainers in Sydney.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: Outdoor Fitness

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