All You Need to Know About Belly Fat in Men

Belly fat and accumulation of abdominal fat is a huge turn off for women and is a reason for frequent backaches and discomfort while sleeping. With the unhealthy eating habits prevalent today, people do not realize the serious implications of dumping junk food into their bodies. Few moments of taste bud satisfaction leads to a crazy multiplication of fat cells in the body. In women, the excess fat gets accumulated in various parts of the body but for men, the most common and the most dreaded accumulation happens in the abdominal region.

Health Dangers of Belly Fat

Abdominal obesity, more commonly known as belly fat, has been found to significantly raise the risk of heart disease, hypertension, diabetes mellitus and insulin resistance. Recent researches have also associated belly fat with increased risk of dementia.

Ways to Get Rid of Belly Fat

A six pack lean, muscular body does not only define strength and good looks. Underneath lies a much more important implication, that of fitness. They are the epitome of a person who is in control of his body, and has control over his health. For the not so lucky ones this is a wakeup call.

First and foremost, the diet needs to be right. You need to keep a track of what you are eating. Everything, from proteins, to carbohydrates, to calories needs to be taken in the right amount. You can continue to eat generously. However, you just need to replace unhealthy diet with a healthy one. Switch to olive oil for cooking and consume high- fibre food like brown bread and wheat-flour. If you are a habitual drinker, you need to cut down on your alcohol consumption immensely. High intake of alcohol has been found to be a major cause of belly fat.

The next step is to adopt a good exercise routine. Regular workout is the best way to keep belly fat in control. Having a good outdoor fitness regime is the key to having a fit and healthy body. Resistance training is a good option for improving strength and lean body mass. However, if you are hoping to lose belly fat you must resort to aerobic exercises and other modes of outdoor fitness. Bicycling, swimming and jogging are very effective in getting rid of the belly fat. The more calories you manage to burn, the more physically fit you will feel.

Outdoor fitness equipments are gaining popularity amongst people these days as important fitness gains can be made in an enjoyable outdoor environment. Outdoor fitness programs are usually carried out in groups. The idea is to use the energy of the outdoors, to transform the body and mind. The equipment can be installed in open gym, on a fitness playground or place along a fitness trail. A perfect bell fat burning workout must involve the following: light warm up, body weight warm up, full body strengthening and cardiovascular interval training. However, the first step towards losing belly fat is self-motivation and dedication.

Dan Clay is the owner of Dangerously Fit Boot Camp. To subscribe to an Outdoor Fitness Coogee program, or for a free session at fitness boot camps, visit Personal Training in Sydney.

Dan Clay is the owner of Dangerously Fit Boot Camp. To subscribe to an Outdoor Fitness Coogee program, or for a free session at fitness boot camps, visit Personal Training in Sydney.

Author Bio: Dan Clay is the owner of Dangerously Fit Boot Camp. To subscribe to an Outdoor Fitness Coogee program, or for a free session at fitness boot camps, visit Personal Training in Sydney.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: Outdoor Fitness Coogee

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