Natural Way on How to Improve Acne Scar

Acne scars damages a person’s face. It sucks. But the most important thing is it damages our self-esteem, self-confidence and image. There many ways on how to get rid of acne scars with medicine, topical cream and antibiotics, but for some people these may not work and may experience nasty side effects which discourage them to stop using such treatments. Unfortunately some weren’t told that there are natural ways to get rid of acne. They are just given prescription and told to follow different procedures. For those of you who are unaware here are ways to get rid of acne scars.

1) Make sure you are using the best and right solutions or topical cream for you. For a suggestion try out this skin care products that will help you remove acne scars effectively.

2) You need to keep your body hydrated. If your body dries out, it may form acne due to clogged skin pores. After acne, acne scars will follow so drink 8 to 10 cups of water a day to ensure that your body is well hydrated.

3) Stop touching your face. There are a lot of bacteria in your hands and it may cause those scars to form acne again.

4) Keep your hair off your face. If you have bangs, it would be best to clip them because your hair also carries dust and other particles which can also irritate your face.

5) You must limit your consumption of fats, sugars and oils. These can also contribute acne formation in most individuals. Studies show that caffeine has also been linked to acne, so limit your consumption as much as you can.

6) Have some fresh air and sun. Go outside. You probably aren’t getting the natural light that your body needs. But before enjoying the sun, wear sunscreen for your protection.

7) Make sure you shower everyday especially after workouts. You may want to get rid of the oil and dirt that your body has throughout the day. Using natural skin care products is also important since regular soaps and cleanser may clog your pores more and will lead to acne breakouts.

8) Rose hip oil is also an effective means to lighten your acne scars. Apply it regularly after washing your face and leave it on before going to bed at night. Its potent antioxidant characteristics and balanced properties will effectively diminish your scars.

9) You can also make a face mask out of baking soda and apply it on your face. This will help remove dead skin cells giving your scars a lighter hue as the skin gives way to new ones. Doing this daily will have amazing results after a few weeks.

10) You may also apply lemon juice, honey and aloe vera to your face. It will help you remove acne scars and tighten your skin.

You really don’t have to look far or shell out thousands to treat those acne scars. By doing some lifestyle changes and a dash of resourcefulness in the kitchen you can whip up a safe, affordable and effective acne scar treatment!

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Author Bio: Visit for recommended products in removing acne scars. A perfect source of information and reviews for you to read.

Category: Medicines and Remedies
Keywords: acne scars treatment,removing acne scars,tips,skin care treatment,natural method

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