Bad Acne Scars Can’t Be Removed

Acne scars are a minor irritation; at times they can be disgusting and affect both appearance and self-esteem. Preventive treatments can avoid further scarring, but cannot totally eliminate the scars that are already there. But there are several methods on how to remove acne scars depending on age, health condition and severity. To prevent permanent acne scars from developing, treat it immediately as soon as you see acne in your face.

Scarring is usually caused by picking acne, frequent and chronic condition. It appears reddish and non-swollen in a crater-like texture and can appear on the face, arms, back and buttocks.

People usually ask us ways to remove acne scars. Getting rid of acne scars successfully can be a challenge, even though there are many treatment offered out there sorting through all the options can be confusing. Although there are many ways on how to get rid of acne scars, not every treatment is right for everyone. Some methods might treat deep scars while other treat shallow scars depending on its severity and age. Some treatments are painful and some individuals don’t want the discomfort they feel from those treatments. Multiple sessions are required for some treatment and most people want to remove acne scars right away. In this case expense may become an issue.

Here are different treatments for acne scar removal


It involves removing the top layer of the skin revealing fresh, new skin underneath. The upper layer of the skin is removed using a wire brush or rough diamond wheel. The brush is used and rotated quickly over the skin.

Dermabrasion is used for shallow acne scars, if you are looking for a method to get rid of deep acne scars you might want to try a different treatment.

Many people prefer to undergo other treatments rather than dermabrasion. First of all it is painful even though a local anesthetic is administered during the procedure. It may also cause bleeding. In addition to that, it is quite expensive and several treatment sessions are often needed.

Laser Treatments

Laser treatment is another way of getting rid of acne scars. The laser glides through the affected skin and removes the top layer. The results are quite the same with dermabrasion but it will not cause bleeding. Skin is usually reddened and may appear crusty for a couple of days. If you pick and touch the crusty skin or the scabs it may cause new scars to form or worsen. Laser treatment works best with shallow scars.

Laser treatments are more expensive than dermabrasion and again it requires several session for best results.

Punch Techniques

Punch techniques is a good method to remove deep acne scars. A punch tool is used to remove acne scars also to take a biopsy of the skin. The wound must be sutured, or a skin graft from the body that can be fitted into the hole.

People usually avoid this kind of treatment since it is very painful and expensive.

Acne Scar Treatment Products

There are different acne scar treatment products to choose from. Some are quite costly but not as expensive as the other procedures mentioned above. You might want to try over the counter drugs first before undergoing expensive procedures. The most important thing about over the counter remedies is that, they do not irritate the skin the way those other procedures do.

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Author Bio: Visit for recommended products in removing acne scars. A perfect source of information and reviews for you to read.

Category: Medicines and Remedies
Keywords: acne scars treatment,removing acne scars,best acne scar treatment,tips,advice

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