Photo, Media and Design: Encouraging Days Ahead

Photo, media and design have emerged as new activities in graphics art and its representation. With advanced techniques and software applications graphics art has reached unprecedented heights. Variegated options in animation and graphical techniques are an inspiration to artists and designers. Combining the different packages of animation, CAD (computer aided design), and photo editing available the opportunities to create are unlimited. This very area is engulfing almost every area of society.

All these techniques have grown in importance as designers are trying out ways and means to create more attractive websites and web pages. Even packaging and point of sales materials are being designed utilizing photo and designing methods. Creative designing which was restricted to artists drawing boards are now more spread out with graphical artists taking the help of technology to create innumerable designs in matters of minutes. With so many photo and designing packages available, graphical artists have found an extended platform to showcase their creation.

3D Animation – Animated illustrations or online videos have more visual appeal than still designs or photos. Experimentation in animation began in two dimensions in form of videos and cartoons. Photos and videos that we normally see are in two dimensions. Ample experimentations are still on in two dimensional photography and video making. With improved photo editing techniques it is now possible to make innovative images that may be uploaded on to your website.

Adding third dimension increases the visuals impact of an image multiple times. Companies are investing significantly in creating 3D animated visuals using superior packages available in the market. Creating an eye-catching animated visual is a highly specialized area of activity involving professionals. These 3D animation techniques are also used in conjunction to simple two dimensional illustration techniques.

CAD – Current generation CAD (computer aided design) is an enhancement over 2- dimension based designs. These software packages are extremely effective in offering an all round view of an object. Designing of tools and machineries, automobiles, and even buildings are done with the assistance of CAD. A properly done computer aided design saves a lot of effort and resources before designing the final product. The methods of trial and error associated with manufacturing process is drastically reduces by proper utilization of CAD.

Graphic artists and web designers make use of CAD packages in addition to 3D animation and photo editing methods to create remarkable designs. Creation of logos is in fact an important task of these graphic artists.

Publishing – Publishing is another area of photo, media and design. All processes involved in publishing a book, magazine or newspaper is now completed through computing systems. Page layouts of newspapers and magazines, book covers, and publicity material are all now done with the help of different software packages available. This not only reduces time but also increases possibilities. Publishing can now even be done from your home. The concept of home publishing is gradually gaining popularity particularly in instances of printing company reports, program brochures, and internal newsletters. Even flex prints are being designed and conceived through software applications.

To enhance his photography skills, Ramesh Berry is busy in learning photo media and design software and he has already tried his hands with photo editing software and some home publishing software.

To enhance his photography skills, Ramesh Berry is busy in learning photo media and design software and he has already tried his hands with photo editing software and some home publishing software. Find all other categories at

Author Bio: To enhance his photography skills, Ramesh Berry is busy in learning photo media and design software and he has already tried his hands with photo editing software and some home publishing software.

Category: Computers and Technology
Keywords: 3D animation, CAD, home publishing, illustration, photo editing, professional design

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