Breast Implants: Fathers Of The Silicone Variety

Thomas Cronin and Frank Gerow were the first doctors to develop the Tadalis SX silicone breast implant nearly fifty years ago. Both University of Texas plastic surgeons began working with this material in the early 1960s with support form Dow Corning.

Dr. Thomas Cronin kept up regular correspondence with Down Corning regarding his continued research with Frank Gerow. A new material, buy cialis 10mg Silicone began to be applied to a number of different applications from the World War II era onward. Thomas and Gerow actually first used these kind of inserts as cushion bags to be inserted into paraplegics that were usually veterans to prevent painful bed sores.

This technique was first tested on dogs to be sure of the potential reactions of the host to the device as well as how the material reacted to the host environment.

The studies conducted by Thomas and Cronin in this technology concluded that it was the most inert Kamagra jelly substance available that could be inserted into living organisms. In 1962, the first breast implant was inserted into Timmie Jean Lindsey who was under the care of Dr. Frank Gerow. Originally a patient for dermabrasion, she was approached by Doctor Gerow about being a test subject for the first silicone breast implant surgery. Frank Gerow asked Timmie Jean Lindsey because she had a sagging bosom from child birth, which was supposed to be the original purpose of the surgery.

Timmie Jean Lindsey was surprised to hear about the sagging and thought her ears were the problem with her appearance. Recently divorced, Timmie Jean Lindsey said she would be a test subject for the new procedure as long as Doctor Frank Gerow threw in an otoplasty otherwise known as pinning her ears back. Dr. Gerow and Dr. Cronin agreed and Timmie Jean Lindsey became the first woman to ever have breast implants inserted.

Following the surgery, she had many doctors come by to observe her results which quite embarrassed her; however, soon after the surgery she ended up marrying an old acquaintance anyway. Doctors Frank Gerow and Thomas Cronin then sold their invention to Dow Corning, which was a joint capital venture between Corning Glass and Dow Chemical. Both doctors sold their invention in exchange for royalties for each breast implant of this kind, which is used.

Since the 1960s, there have been numerous problems with silicone in plastic surgery which has been followed up by lawsuits that have become famous. These lawsuits forced the market to produce a better silicone augmentation device which now provides women with a safe option for enhancement.

Author Bio: With the help of breast implants Philadelphia based surgeon offers you the latest technologies in breast augmentation procedures, so that you can enhance the shape and contours of your body. By doing so, you’ll also be able to enhance your confidence. To know more, visit

Category: Health
Keywords: breast implants Philadelphia, philadelphia breast implants, breast implants in philadelphia

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