Who Can Use Tasers Legally?

If you are planning to increase the amount of protection that you have for yourself, you might think about purchasing a Taser gun. However, you shouldn\’t jump into this decision right away. First, you might not be allowed to purchase this gun. And even if you were able to buy one, it might not be legal for you to carry it around in public or even own one inside your own place.

Let us first review the information we have about Taser guns. It is a device that sends electrical shock to a body when triggered. The current that is delivered may be significantly high. There are varieties in the amount of voltage for every group or Taser that is sold in the market. There can be ones that can only deliver a low amount. Then, there are those that can deliver a couple of million volts. But, even if the electrical current it provides is high, the expected result is only incapacitation. When properly used, permanent damage will not occur.

The effect is an involuntary contraction of the muscles. These contractions are even abnormal and are very fast that they will later result in a sensation of pain and a loss of muscle control.

As said, these devices are not designed to kill another person. They were only ideally made for the purpose of stopping an assailant on his tracks. However, in some instances, there are unfortunate results that occur. There have been some accidents that resulted in permanent damage to the skin and/or the muscles of a person who was exposed to the electric currents of a Taser. There are even a few which have resulted in death.

These unfortunate events brought about the debate on whether or not the public should be allowed to have Taser guns. There are some countries that do not believe these guns should be open for the public to use. However, there are also those that believe that a Taser gun can effectively help in the defense of one person and the negative, permanent effects were isolated and can be effectively prevented.

In Brazil, the police use Taser guns. There are also a few private individuals and security companies that are allowed to own these guns. Iceland allows the use of Tasers by their civilians. Any person who is considered responsible enough can carry one if they feel there is a need to. In Hong Kong, carrying one without a license can be punishable under their laws. A person who wishes to carry this device needs to apply for a permit or a license.

One country, however that has mixed policies regarding the use of these guns is Australia. There are some places where the use of Taser guns is allowed while there are others which consider the ownership of these guns illegal. And in most states in the United States of America, these guns are not considered as firearms. So, in these states, a civilian who feels that they need to own a Taser gun for self defense and protection can own one.

Cori N. Baker enjoys writing for Beststungun.com which sells taser gun and taser as well as a host of additional products.

Cori N. Baker enjoys writing for http://Beststungun.com which sells taser gun and taser as well as a host of additional products.

Author Bio: Cori N. Baker enjoys writing for Beststungun.com which sells taser gun and taser as well as a host of additional products.

Category: Legal
Keywords: taser guns,tasers legally,taser gun,stun guns,electrical shock

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