Steps to Get the Six Pack Abs

To get six pack abs has been an impossible dream to all. But luckily, many physical fitness instructors are already open to share the secrets on how to make it possible.

– Lose Weight – It’s important for a person who wants to have a six pack abs to lose unwanted fats first. Take tons of exercises and eat healthy foods. Running everyday from 15 minutes to one hour is a good start. This is important because even if the abs is already developed, it will still be hid by the covering fats.

Don’t skip breakfast. It is the most important meal of the day. Whatever you get to eat in the morning will be burned throughout the day.

Keep the remaining meals lighter. Skip snacks. But it is advisable not to get hungry. People tend to eat more if they get hungry so it’s better to get a bite every four hours.

Start doing cardio exercises as this is the easier way to reduce weight in a short period of time.

– Begin with warm-ups. To get six pack abs, it is advisable to begin every exercise with warm up because it will relax the strained muscles and prepare them for the intensive body building.

– Crunches – Once the fat is all gone, start doing crunches. Lie on the floor with arms on the chest. Bend the knees. Lift the shoulders to the knees without lifting the back. When lifted, exhale through the mouth and pause for a second. Then lie back again and inhale through the nose.

– Sit Ups – Lie on the floor with feet laid up and knees bended. Someone must assist by holding the feet on its place. Lift up the back onto sitting position without hunching, just sitting up straight.

– Lift Legs – Lie on the floor with hands on each side. Lift the leg without bending the knees until the feet is pointing upwards. The body should be in 90% position.

– Jack-knife Sit Ups – Lie on the floor with hands grounded on the floor on each side. Raise the knees and torso simultaneously. The knees should reach the point of kissing the face. The legs will fold naturally that will bring the feet towards the hips which will be the jack knife position. Lie back down to the original position and repeat.

– Static Holds – Do static holds by placing the body into a push-up position but using the elbows instead of hands/palms. Hold into the position up to 45 seconds until five minutes or more.

– Side Static Hold – With the same position as static holds, roll onto one side leaving one elbow on the ground while the other arm is pointed out straightly to the air. And the non-weight bearing leg will be resting above the other leg. Hold to the position with the same amount of time as static hold.

Good results will be seen on the third to the sixth month of strict exercise and diet. If this will be done with complete discipline and determination, to get six pack abs will no longer be just a dream.

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Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: get six pack abs

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