Virtual Event Management and Production

Virtual event production does not begin with inviting attendees, and it does not end on the date of the event. Virtual event marketing is on-going and requires the organisation to take a three-step approach: Before, during and after the event.

Event production starts with planning and relationship building with partners, speakers, exhibitors and influencers. It’s not just a matter of sending out an e-mail blast. There is now so much competition for peoples’ time and attention virtual event marketing needs a more sophisticated approach. Consider what you are giving people at your event that they can’t get anywhere else? What is the urgent impetus to sign up for the event?

Creating partnerships is important. Reach out to associations who have similar or overlapping missions. Contact prominent bloggers or influential people on Twitter whose audiences might benefit from your event. Building relationships and trust over time is important. Use Facebook or LinkedIn for industry associations or groups that may be interested in your event.

Make it easy to register: You might be surprised to see how many companies put a great deal of thought and effort into planning their virtual event, but then fail to create a simple, easy and effective registration page.

Encourage early registrations: Since they don’t need to plan for a trip, attendees often wait until the last minute to register for a virtual event.

During the event: Marketing doesn’t stop as soon as tickets are sold. To get the full impact of digital event production services you need to also consider the aspect of the virtual event experience itself.

Make it interactive: A virtual event should be a dialogue to give your attendees the opportunity to fully participate in the event, share ideas and to share content with others. A good event platform should include video chat, text chat, Web Casting, forums and Q&A after presentations.

Learn from your customers: Create opportunities to learn from your attendees while the event is in progress. By learning more about what they need, you’ll be able to give your sponsors or exhibitors added value, which will help you with your next event.

After the event: The best digital events don’t ever truly end. By using social media marketing , surveys and forums, your virtual event can create lasting connections and spark long term relationships that go beyond the date of the event. Effective digital event production reflects your organisations commitment to building communities and creating lasting value. It’s not just about the event, but taking a longer term approach.

For the host, virtual events are a more economical way to bring thousands of attendees to an event. Fast time to market is also an attractive advantage. Additionally, many more C-level executives are able to attend a virtual event because they have the luxury of popping in for a couple hours.

For attendees, the benefits are clear and simple. They gain access to valuable information before, during and after an event. Even if they can’t attend in person, they are afforded the opportunity to learn and network through virtual participation.

Daniel Kidd writes about a wide range of promotional and event management and production topics.

Daniel Kidd writes about a wide range of event management related topics. For more information please visit

Author Bio: Daniel Kidd writes about a wide range of promotional and event management and production topics.

Category: Business Management
Keywords: event management

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