Qualities of a Good Patent Attorney

At some point in your invention, you will need an assurance that whatever you are trying to create is unique. Also, you will need security that no one will see your invention and try to steal it. Legally put, infringe on your intellectual property. That is why you need to invoke the services of a patent attorney to ensure that the rights are conferred to you.

The process of getting hold of the rights is systematic, but requires fine attention as any single mistake may ruin not only the whole invention idea, but also the rights to it and even worse, the business you might be trying to build-especially if it is pegged on the invention. To find someone dedicated enough to see you through this process may not be trouble-free and that is why you need to be thorough in your search for a potential and proficient patent attorney.

A Patent Attorney should be well educated:

Being a law graduate alone does not qualify one into a patent lawyer. Other than holding a bachelors degree in law, he must further posses another degree in a technical and scientific academic field. They are required to pass at least one patent bar exams. The educational background gives an insight in the competence, skills and knowledge of the professional. However, the colleges attended must also have the reputation of generating competent graduates in the relevant fields. A patent attorney with good grades in school is more likely to understand both the technical aspects and the legal implications on patent related cases.

A Patent Attorney Should Be Experienced:

Due to the high demand for the patent attorneys, many people have come out and enrolled as patent agents. Finding a right professional may be an uphill task that can be simplified by reviewing the application especially the previous patent related cases handled by the prospective professional. These lawyers should further be employees of well known and reputable law firms as opposed to the ever sprawling backstreet legal enterprises. Further to that, the lawyer must be competent enough in your relevant technical field. With this information at hand, you are ready to look into the next imperative issue, the cost implication.

Affordability Vs Competence:

Patent agents set their own prices and serious negotiations with the clients may lead to a consensus between the parties. However, patent cases are usually serious and therefore you need not fall for “cheap”. I am not saying that you should throw away your money in the name of quality, but rather review the services of the agent and relate to the amount you are being asked to pay. Do your own evaluation and seek to engage the services and a competent agent that will deliver quality using the most competitive rates available. You can easily compare market prices by assessing the charges of the other agents.


This is where most lawyers terribly flop. You may appoint an attorney to represent you in a case only for the learned friend to disappear. This leaves you in the dark over the progress of your case. A good patent attorney should leave all the communication channels open to the client and frequently share information. This does not only build trust, but also cuts down on the anxiety usually experienced by clients especially if they have pending cases.


Bear in mind that the outcome of your patent case is entirely pegged on the type of patent attorney you engage. Furthermore, you need to desist from constantly changing your lawyer as this might cost you dearly in the end. If possible, retain one attorney and build a lasting relationship with him just in case you are ambushed by a patent eventuality, you have a safe fall back, in the ready.

The Patent Attorney has an in-depth involvement with many inventors who deal with technical development of products so that they can gain an understanding of what needs to be protected through patents.
Click here for Patent Lawyer

Patent law is a unique niche in the field of law that comprises not only of law, but of science as well.
Visit http://www.omnilegalgroup.com/ for more details.

Author Bio: The Patent Attorney has an in-depth involvement with many inventors who deal with technical development of products so that they can gain an understanding of what needs to be protected through patents.
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Category: Legal
Keywords: Patent Attorney Los Angeles, Los Angeles Patent Attorney, Los Angeles Patent Lawyer

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