How to Select a Competent Trademark Attorney?

All trademarks should be watched over because they represent the organization or corporation or even the individual. In short, a trademark distinctively identifies your products from the numerous other competitors dealing in the same line of products. This is why every country has a law that safeguards the intellectual properties of its citizens from infringement.

It is prudent that every corporation engages the services of a trademark attorney who is the specialist in trademark law. Trademark attorneys are mostly required in situations that involve filing of application, evaluation of a search or the creation of product name.

Finding a trademark attorney is not an easy task. It requires careful scrutiny and research. Below are some guidelines to aid you in the selection of a competent professional.

Don’t advertise:

It is worthless to spend your hard earned cash advertising for a trademark attorney, whether it is in print media or internet. This is because the chances of interviewing and eventually hiring the right candidate for the job are slim. If you have ever interviewed a lawyer, you know what I am talking about. Also, many trademark lawyers with ostentatious adverts marketing their services may not be as good as they may brag in these adverts. Most of them have an army of paralegal subordinates. They engage in preparing your trademark applications. You need to consider hiring someone who guarantees personalized attention to your case, someone that will see you through the whole process, including the trademark search and share all the fine details of filing.

Avoid Lawyer Referrals:

There are numerous lawyer referral services in the internet that it takes only a few seconds to find someone with a solution to your problems. We highly appreciate the referrals as it helps connect and create opportunities. But that is just like it. Referral services should be your last option in your search for a trademark lawyer. This is because they refer clients on a revolving basis and do not necessarily base their choice on abilities. Any lawyer who is willing and capable of paying the referral fee is “equally competent and qualified” and when a job comes by, however the nearest is granted. In the end, you find yourself in the deep end with an incompetent professional.


Furthermore, experience is lacking in the referral services. It is very easy for a trademark lawyer to claim having over ten years experience and yet he/she has never had the privilege of serving clients. You need to look for a lawyer with a wide pool of experience representing clients on trademark matters. That is not enough. He must have previously handled cases related to your industry. If you deal in electronics and related products, look for someone who has previously represented clients of the same line as you are as opposed to, for example; an experienced lawyer in fast moving consumer goods (FMCG). The experience should tally with your line of specialization. Equally important is the law firm they might have acquired the experience from, the firm should be reputable enough.

Review Lawyer Education:

Educational background is crucial while searching for a trademark attorney. Remember, it is your company and its products you are trying to protect. All trademark lawyers are graduates. I have no problem with that. However, law is generally perceived to be a marketable and reputable course to pursue world over and some fellows can bet their right eye, just to enroll in law school. Give a serious consideration to lawyers from colleges that have built a name producing competent lawyers specializing in intellectual property (trademark, copyright and patent law). Review their grades and once you are conceived, give them a try.


Finally, I would like to emphasize that the success of your patent case entirely relies on the person you hire to represent you. Do your homework well before hiring a patent attorney.

The Trademark Attorney has an in-depth involvement with many inventors who deal with technical development of products so that they can gain an understanding of what needs to be protected through patents.
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Patent law is a unique niche in the field of law that comprises not only of law, but of science as well.
Visit for more details.

Author Bio: The Trademark Attorney has an in-depth involvement with many inventors who deal with technical development of products so that they can gain an understanding of what needs to be protected through patents.
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Category: Legal
Keywords: Beverly Hills Trademark Attorney, Beverly Hills Trademark Lawyer, Trademark Attorney Beverly Hills

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