Sky High Travelling Without Sky High Mobile Roaming Charges

The mobile phone has become such an integral part of our lives that it is a major upset when we are loathe to use it for making international calls when abroad. Roaming internationally represents a major cost to most people, and the thought of making an international call from their mobile phone is enough to scare many people. Therefore many people keep their use of their mobile phone when abroad to a minimum for fear of generating large bills back home.

Well, mobile roaming just got a lot easier and cheaper. FlexiRoam is a great new service that takes the pain and the worry out of roaming internationally, and it is such a great solution that one wonders why it wasn’t available years ago. This service allows you to make international calls, indeed international mobile calls without the dread of running up large bills.

The FlexiRoam service will bring a lot of ease to travellers who want to keep in touch with home, and who wish to make and receive international mobile calls when abroad. The process itself is simple. Users purchase a Roaming Pass for a defined period of time from FlexiRoam, and purchase a local SIM card in the country they are visiting upon arrival. Once activated, all international calls you your mobile will then be re-directed to this new number, and are charged only at the local rate. Likewise, you can make unlimited international phone calls for very little cost. You can also send and receive SMS as normal. The local SIM card that you purchase is your new international mobile number. However, you do not need to inform anyone of your new number. Your friends and colleagues will simply phone your mobile phone number as normal, but the FlexiRoam service will re-direct all calls to your new mobile number. Thus the use of your SIM card international allows you to keep in touch with home with no worries about big, bad bills waiting for you when you return.

Now that there is a great solution for mobile roaming which allows for cheap international mobile calls, your time abroad will be all the more enjoyable. Mobile roaming used to have bad connotations, but for users of the FlexiRoam service, it will allow for peace of mind when travelling and making mobile calls internationally.

There is a safety factor at play here as well. Due to the high cost of roaming international, many people don’t take their mobile phone abroad, or switch it off when abroad. There is no doubt that in cases of emergency the availability of a mobile phone is critical. When travellers are at ease about mobile roaming using the FlexiRoam service, they will always have a mobile phone to hand in case of emergency.

So from now on, the clever travellers will be bringing their mobile phones when travelling abroad, and will make huge savings using the FlexiRoam service. The savings will be evident when you return home as FlexiRoam will issue you a statement showing you how much you saved using their service. Now that’s something worth coming home to.

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Want to get in touch with your friends and family overseas? Looking for the best cheap international calls mobile and international call services for you? Click on for more information!

Author Bio: Want to get in touch with your friends and family overseas? Looking for the best cheap international calls mobile and international call services for you? Click on the links for more information!

Category: Computers and Technology
Keywords: roaming international, international roam, mobile roaming, international call, international mobile

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