How To Identify Great Tennis Drills?

What are the characteristics of great tennis drills? What makes one tennis drill boring and flat and the other one is exhilarating? Players sometimes practice one style of exercise time after time again and realize that their skills might not be improving. Other times, players try every new tennis drill they read about but still aren\’t getting the desired results. How can we be assured that the drills we\’re practicing are effective?

Tennis drills are widely used by tennis players of many levels. Tennis drills being used for many reasons. The top tennis practice drills provide repetition, match experience, and fun. They can also be used to maximize footwork and endurance. All the time tennis coaches everywhere aim to invent new tennis drills for beginners as well as advanced players. There are many versions of tennis training drills that are used today.

The most efficient tennis drills display certain qualities that are required for tennis players to further improve. You can easliy find these core characteristics in every single single great tennis drill. If tennis coaches can apply these qualities to their own personal tennis drills, they are well on their way to elevate their players’ performance. So what are these essential properties that tennis drills must display?

The most important goal of any great drill is target a certain area. Tennis players have to know what skill they wish to improve in order to deploy the proper tennis drills. First, players must identify weaknesses within their game. Naturally, tennis instructors are usually a great aid in this matter. Players should ask themselves whether they want to be better net players or they rather have a big serve. Surely, most people want to improve everything at the same time. This, however, just isn\’t realistic. You must only concentrate on one thing at a time. Second, the tennis instructor has to pick the type of exercises that concentrate on that given area or skill. Until you understand what you intend to improve, no tennis drill can be helpful.

Another important sign of great tennis drills is simulating match situations. Tennis is a competitive game after all where players work to win. Practicing forehand cross courts for two hours just isn\’t quite effective and it\’s also boring. In match situations, the ball never comes at you the same way twice. Tennis players who practice one kind of shot will struggle in match situations. There is absolutely no replacement for good situational tennis drills.

Finally, it is important for tennis players to have fun while they are practicing. All of us will burn out if practice becomes a chore. Tennis drills should provide excitement and fun. The manner in which great tennis drills do this is by allowing players to work towards an objective. Whether players cooperate or compete against each other to achieve this goal really doesn\’t matter. What\’s important is that players feel satisfied when they accomplish that goal.

The author is a tennis professional with over 20 years of experience in tennis drills. His site is the best resource online to find new tennis drills.

Timothy Sutton Tennis Drill Expert target=_blank.

Author Bio: The author is a tennis professional with over 20 years of experience in tennis drills. His site is the best resource online to find new tennis drills.

Category: Sports
Keywords: tennis drills, tennis practice drills, tennis drill, tennis exercise, best tennis drills, pro tennis

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