Learning More About The Pleurisy Disease And Its Treatments

You can never do away with diseases when you do not know how to take care of yourself properly. Pleurisy can strike you if you have vices that weakens your respiratory system. The pain in your chest may characterize pleurisy but it is still better to consult your doctor to determine its exact cause.

What is pleurisy?

Medical experts tell the pleurisy is a disease in your respiratory system. When there is inflammation in the external lining of your lungs you surely could suffer from pleurisy. However, you can never just put all the blame to the inflamed linings but to the build up of fluid in the space between two layers.

What are the symptoms of pleurisy?

The inflammation of the linings that surround your lungs may result to a lot of symptoms. Remember that these symptoms vary among people depending upon the cause of pleurisy. The common symptoms are:

1. Fever. For mild cases, fever can last only for two or three days.

2. Loss of weight. This can be a result of appetite loss and medications.

3. Pain while breathing. You can never tell how painful it is once you breathe and you feel the pain in your chest.

4. Breath shortness. Because of too much pain, you never have any choice but to slow down your breathing.

5. Chills and fever. These symptoms go along each other. Fever is a result of other diseases leading to pleurisy

6. Cough. You will feel like sneezing or coughing to ease the difficulty of breathing.

7. Pain in the chest. This is observed due to the contraction of muscles in the chest.

8. Lips and fingernails turn blue

For serious cases, you need to consult your doctor about admitting yourself in the hospital as pleurisy may be a symptom of a complicated disease. The symptoms are:

9. Respiratory problems

10. Pressure in the chest

11. Passing out

12. Choking

13. Slow heart rate

Knowing the causes

You need to know the cause of your pleurisy to have a peace of mind. Your doctor recommends treatment depending upon the condition of your pleura. The following are the major causes:

1. Pneumonia. This is commonly known as the inflammation of the lungs. The chest and the lungs are neighboring organs.

2. Cancers. Lung cancers and breast cancers may definitely cause pleurisy.

3. Heart disease. Rheumatic heart disease like the rheumatoid arthritis could contribute to the pain.

4. Bacterial infections. All forms of infections that attack the respiratory system may lead to pleurisy.

5. Fracture in the ribs due to accidents or surgery

6. Asbestosis. This is due to intoxication caused by asbestos.

7. Flu and other viral diseases

The treatments

Your doctor depends upon the cause of your pleurisy to address the main problem in your chest. You can get any of these treatments:

1. Antibiotics. There are antibiotic treatments available to address the infection caused by bacteria.

2. Pain relievers. These are taken to ease the pain in the chest and abdomen.

3. Cough syrup. This is given to address cough.

4. Fluid removal. This is done when complications prevail and other procedures are not succesful.

And finally, if you\’re interested in more info about the pleurisy disease, check out my Pleurisy Symptoms web site now.

And finally, if you\’re interested in more info about the pleurisy disease, check out my http://www.pleurisysymptomscenter.com/ Pleurisy Symptoms web site now.

Author Bio: And finally, if you\’re interested in more info about the pleurisy disease, check out my Pleurisy Symptoms web site now.

Category: Medicines and Remedies
Keywords: pleurisy symptoms,pleurisy,pleurisy causes,pleurisy treatment,pleurisy disease

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