Zino Cigars

Zino cigars are one of the many offerings from the Davidoff brand. In fact, these are how the U.S. was introduced to the brand. Davidoff’s father had a tobacco shop when he was young.

As a young man, Davidoff travelled to Brazil, Cuba, and Argentina to see the factories and tobacco plantations. When he returned home, he added a cigar department to his father’s shop.

With his relations being good with Cuba, his shop became a main location for their imports, and then, for a time, was actually the only local source for Havanas. Later, with the Cuban embargo in place and no legal way for Americans to purchase Cuban options, Mr. Davidoff realized what he might be missing by not having any offerings available to the United States.

He decided to market an option that would be available for people in the U.S. The Zino cigars brand was created in Honduras in order to offer this type of smoking to the U.S.

Once the Davidoff production moved to the Dominican Republic in 1990, the company had complete control over the product and was able to offer consistency worldwide. In 2006, after production stopped on certain Honduras Zino cigars, the company took the step of getting all of their products under one roof.

This offers the advantage of better “hands on” management and resolution of any issues. It also offers more reassurance for a consistent product. Whether it’s a single person or a small group of people, overseeing in one location can provide that consistency better than multiple factories in numerous places.

Although there were some styles that were phased out, the Zino cigars brand remains strong, and there are a number of options you can choose from. There is the classic line, the light line, and the cigarillos line.

The classic line includes a double corona among other offerings. The light line includes milder options for those who might not be as used to the smoking, or just prefer a lighter option. You will usually find these milder options in humidor packs that are airtight.

The cigarillos line offers you several options as well. Of course, you could always choose the platinum. In this line you have the Platinum Z-class series, the platinum crown series, the platinum scepter series, the platinum limited edition, and the platinum master edition. Within most of these lines (with the exception of the limited edition), you have further choices to make, so you can work on clarifying your favorite among the options..

Whether you’re looking to buy a strong and flavorful smoke, or even a mild one, you should be able to find something like what you’re looking for in the Davidoff Zino cigars options. With a large selection of styles and flavors, it shouldn’t be difficult to find one that fits your preferences.

You can always ask for advice from your cigar shop. They should be able to listen to your preferences, and help advise you as to the type of options you might want to try.

For more information on Cigars, Electronic Cigarettes and Zino Cigars visit our online Cigar Shop.

For more information on Zino Cigars, cigar lighters, cigar cutters, and humidors visit our online cigar shop at http://www.seriouscigars.com

Author Bio: For more information on Cigars, Electronic Cigarettes and Zino Cigars visit our online Cigar Shop.

Category: Recreation
Keywords: Zino Cigars, online cigar store, cigar cutter, fine cigars, cigar accessories

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