Some Common Misconceptions Around First Aid

Many of us are susceptible to accidents that always happen unexpectedly. When there is a serious accident, administering first aid to the victims within the first few minutes can help save their lives. If you notice, even those who are highly educated do not know how to respond effectively during emergencies. Sometimes, the injured are given wrong first aid that does more harm than good. There are a lot of myths and misconceptions around first aid. Known about them will certainly help you avoid mistakes.

Top Misconceptions Around First Aid

1. Apply cream or butter on a burn- You must not apply anything on a burn. You can keep the affected area under cold water for a few minutes.

2. Apply antiseptic over cuts and scrapes- Do not apply antiseptic like hydrogen peroxide over small cuts and scrapes, as this can delay healing. All you can do is to wash the cuts gently with soap and water.

After cleaning the dirt, sand or any other foreign material from the cut, you can cover them with a sterile bandage. You can use an antibiotic ointment after a day.

3. Sucking out the poison and spitting it or cutting the wound open is the best way to treat a person cut by knife or bitten by snake- This is a myth. Doing this can lead to more injury. The safest way to give first aid is to splint the wound and cover it with a clean cloth. Taking the victim to the hospital immediately can help save life.

4. Treat bleeding by cleaning the wound under a tap- This is another common misconception. Washing the wound under a tap may wash away the body’s blood clotting agent. The best way to treat bleeding is to apply pressure on the wound and call emergency service. Keep pressure on the wound until medical help arrives.

5. Insert a spoon into the mouth of a person having a seizure- Many people think that the top priority is to prevent the seizure victim from biting the tongue. Little do they realize that it is even more dangerous to insert hard objects in a bid to prevent injury to the tongue.

Sometimes, the tongue may block the airway. You can tilt the person’s head back, lift the chin and turn him/her towards your side. If the victim falls unconscious, you must get medical help immediately.

6. Rub alcohol to obtain relief from overheating- Alcohol closes the pores of the skin, making it difficult for the body to release excess heat. You must keep the sufferer in a cool place and give cold water or drinks. If the victim loses consciousness due to heatstroke, call for Emergency Medical Service.

7. Wrapping children with high fever in a warm blanket- Many people wrap children suffering from high fever in a warm blanker. Doing this will certainly not reduce fever. It will only increase chances of sudden high fever that can cause seizure. The best thing is to give them a cool bath and appropriate medications.

Getting proper first aid training can help you respond to any emergency situation confidently. Acquiring adequate skills in first aid can help save lives.

For more information, please visit our first aid courses website.

For more information, please visit our first aid courses website

Author Bio: For more information, please visit our first aid courses website.

Category: Medicines and Remedies
Keywords: first aid techniques ,Emergencies,First Aid,First Aid Training,medical help ,doctor ,emergency

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