Top Mistakes Exercise Beginners Make

Most often people take up exercises and workouts with much enthusiasm but eventually drop out. If you ask them for reasons, they would say that they didn’t see any results and that something wasn’t right. Well, they are almost right because they probably weren’t going about it the right way and hence there were no results. Exercise is one thing that needs lot patience because it works from within.

Every newcomer who is just beginning to workout should keep in mind some basic mistakes to avoid in order to experience the best results out of their workout routines. These are nothing but general misconceptions that lead to mistakes, which if neglected can cost you more than just an aching back.

Define goals

To begin with, set achievable goals even before you start. The goal is not just to lose pounds but to ensure that your body as a whole is being taken care of. The most common mistake most beginners make is to lose pounds and be done with it. Exercising is a cyclic effect; it begins and ends with your body and thus it cannot be rushed through.

What you do matters

It so happens that people choose to drop out from fitness programs and continue working out from homes. This wouldn’t yield much result because the same workout routine doesn’t help. It is very important to constantly vary your workouts so that with each workout different muscles in your body get equal amount of exercise. Therefore, doing just ab crunches for months together is not going to win against a round of circuit training.

Check your posture

The best way to do this is by working out in front of a mirror. At home, place a mirror in front of your workout machine. This help you take a look at yourself while you workout. Examine your posture and see if you are slouching or leaning on your machine? If yes, then you can correct it right away. Otherwise, you will tend to put pressure on your joints and bones thereby hurting your ankle or knees.

Warm up – Cool down

These are as important as your exercise itself. There is a reason why your personal trainer always insists on doing some warm up before you begin to workout. Warm up increases your body and muscle temperature, thereby preparing it for some high energy workout. Cool down, essentially brings back your temperatures to normal.

Too much too soon

This is something you need to understand even before you begin working out. Your body may take time to react to certain exercises. Therefore, you need to give the required time to see the desired effect. When a person does more workout than he is capable of, he is straining his body which may lead to wear and tear.

Avoiding these basic mistakes will ensure that you are on the right track. Keep checking with your personal trainer for he may be able to correct them before it’s too late.

Dan Clay is a Sydney boot camp instructor and personal trainer. If you want to lose weight with a Personal Trainer Oatley, sign up for a free session at a boot camp in Sydney. Visit Personal Training in Sydney.

Dan Clay is a Sydney boot camp instructor and personal trainer. If you want to lose weight with a Personal Trainer Oatley, sign up for a free session at a boot camp in Sydney. Visit Personal Training in Sydney.

Author Bio: Dan Clay is a Sydney boot camp instructor and personal trainer. If you want to lose weight with a Personal Trainer Oatley, sign up for a free session at a boot camp in Sydney. Visit Personal Training in Sydney.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: Personal Trainer Oatley

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