Upgrade and Rebuild Not Replace Your Rechargeable Battery

Rechargeable batteries whether NiCd, NiMH or LIon have been popularly available for somewhat over 30 years.They have gotten larger, more powerful and much more versatile over that time span. This increase in available usable power have made them wildly popular on jobsites home workshops and various other areas too numerous to mention here. The increase in power has not, however, been accompanied by a similar technological increase. When new and working correctly they allow a cordless power tool, laptop computer radio controlled car, phone or portable vac to be used in areas for lengths of time undreamed of only ten to twenty years ago. That would be the blessing aspect of the previous statement. The curse comes after what seems like a minimal time the battery starts to lose power with less and less use. Prior to this year there were only two possible remedies for this. First buy a new battery hopefully with an upgraded amperage rating or rebuild the existing battery using upgraded internal cells. A new upgraded 18 volt DeWalt drill battery sells in retail operations for somewhere between $100 to $115. The old battery must be recycled in an approved manner taking up precious space in landfills etc as only certain parts of the whole can be reused. The second method entailed rebuilding the internal components ( sub C cells ). Connecting them with nickel tabs either soldered or spot welded together to replicate the original shape. Soldering is by far and large the most common method as most DIY\”ers with the knowledge to attempt this have a soldering gun. The welding is done by an industry specific unit usable only for this operation and costing in the neighborhood of $10,000. Only the largest contractors or services specifically geared to rebuilds with a lot of batteries to rebuild could justify such an expense. Soldering, while acceptable as a method of joining the sub c cells together creates heat on the cell in excess of 550 degrees.This heat is dissapated at least partially into the cell raising the internal temperature above 160 degrees. Temperatures this high can cause thermal runaway in the cell and subsequent distending of the wall and or explosion.

Today in 2011 Battrx LLC Battrx.com has a better idea. Patent pending mechanical connections are spot welded on the terminal ends of these cells and supplied along with the highest quality Type 201 solid nickel connectors for a simple rebuild and upgrade on either a job site or workshop.

Battrx kits come standard for voltages from 4.8V thru 36V in either 2.1 amp or 3.2 amp varieties.Battrx kits include everything you need to upgrade standard 1.7 amp OEM supplied batteries to 30% to 50% additional capacity in 30 minutes or less. Battrx battery rebuild kits are not only tops in saving money and time but also the environment as the expended cells are 100% recyclable into their original components and subsequent reuse in new cells. Battrx rebuild kits are presently available in Nickel Cadmium (standard 2.1 Amps/hour) and Nickel Metal Hydride (upgraded 3.2 Amps/hour) versions. Lithium ion is presently in the works and will be available shortly. Check back from time to time for projected availability.

Joe Krzywicki President Battrx LLC http://www.battrx.com Rechargeable battery – Repair – Rebuild – Replacement – Upgrade Kits joek@battrx.com

Joe Krzywicki President Battrx LLC http://www.battrx.com Rechargeable battery – Repair – Rebuild – Replacement – Upgrade Kits joek@battrx.com

Author Bio: Joe Krzywicki President Battrx LLC http://www.battrx.com Rechargeable battery – Repair – Rebuild – Replacement – Upgrade Kits joek@battrx.com

Category: Automotive

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