4 Positives of a Chlorinator For Pool Maintenance

Most of the commercial swimming pools have a habit of using chlorine to cleanse their pools. It is also followed buy some people who own a pool in the back garden of their house. It is the cheapest way of disinfecting the water to make it suitable for using it in the pools. Chlorine should be added to the water in the correct amount. Else, it could affect you in a lot of ways.

Human eyes tend to make errors in the measurement. You might sometime use less amount of chlorine and sometime more than required. To avoid feeding in chlorine in such varieties of dosages, you can use something called chlorinator also known as chlorine feeder.

Chlorinators are generally made in a way that they can be compatible with any kind of filter systems. But in case you are doubtful about it you can check it with the technicians. Chlorinators work with your filtration systems. Once the water is filtered through the filtration unit it passes through the chlorinator which expels adequate amount of chlorine disinfecting the water.

If you are confused where to place the chlorinator, then check the manual given by the manufacturers to find the appropriate location for your chlorinator. Once you place it properly, you need to fill in the chlorinator with the recommended amount of chlorine. The chlorine could be in the form of sticks or tablets. Sometimes you can also use bromine because the chemical properties of chlorine and bromine are quite similar.

You should check with the configuration of the chlorinator before adding chlorine into it. Some chlorinators may accept any type of chlorine whilst the other may have specifications. They might accept tablets but not sticks or vice versa.

The next step is to set your chlorinator to inject the chlorine in the required amount for a regular maintenance of your swimming pool. Once the chlorine is in the verge of finishing, you refill it with the same type of chlorine that you used before. Your chlorinator may have been configured to take in any type of chlorine or even bromine but it is advised by the experts to stick to your initial form of input.

By now you probably can find out the advantages of fixing a chlorinator in your pool maintenance system. Just to make it better, here is a little list of all the positive points:

– You could save a lot of time when you have an automatic chlorinator. Your work is reduced to set the injecting amount of chlorine and the frequency at which this should be done and also to just refill your chlorinator as and when required.

– You do not have to worry about over dosage of your disinfectant.

– The water turns out to be softer when a little amount of salt is added. The amount of salt added should be 90% less than what the sea water consists.

– It acts kind to your hair. You need not be worried about hair fall due to the chlorine in your swimming pool.

You always should buy a good quality chlorinator so that it lasts longer and performs really well. It turns out to be economical on a long run. In case you need assistance you definitely should consult the experts. This is a very intelligent mechanism a pool owner can invest in.

For more information, please visit our pool maintenance website.

For more information, please visit our pool maintenance website http://www.pentairchlorinator.com

Author Bio: For more information, please visit our pool maintenance website.

Category: Sports
Keywords: Sand Filtration,Swimming pools,Pool Maintenance,Chlorine Water Treatments ,Pool Cleaners

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