4 Reasons to Visit the Wonderful City of Denver

There is no city like Denver, and there’s no better starting point that the mayor that runs it all. When we speak of this titular role, most of us imagine stuffy, urbane, municipal creatures with all the charm of a bean counter. John Hickenlooper instead ran the state’s most popular microbrewery before he got into politics. There is no better politician than one who has a track record of running popular things, as well as proven taste in booze.

– There is also the city-wide innuendo, Mile High City, which stems from the fact that the city’s elevation sits exactly at 5280 feet. So it should come as no surprise that they serve deep-fried reproductive offal in the city, better known as Rocky Mountain Oysters. (Even the Scots, long renowned for their round objects and a taste for all things deep-fried, resorted to steaming their haggis.)

– The city of Denver is the perfect starting point for the vast and intriguing region that has lured countless travellers over the years.

Long gone are those stereotypical Old West portrayals, and in Denver you will find yourself amidst an easy mix of the cosmopolitan that is as self-assured as it is understated. Though well-connected by Amtrak’s California Zephyr to Chicago and San Franciso, as well as Greyhound buses, the city is nonetheless reliant on its excellent air links through the Denver International Airport. But connectivity these days are not restricted to physical transportation: the Metropolitan Area caters to a wide range of media consumers through outlets in traditional as well as new media. A number of television networks and channels compete for the substantial TV market in the region (ranked 16th by AC Nielson throughout the nation), and over forty radio stations are based in the city as outposts for the entire Colorado market.

– The Rocky Mountain News, a longstanding paper that had attained unlikely fame in the last decade, has finally succumbed to the tsunami of mergers and acquisitions in the print industry. Its operations were merged with that of its age-old rival, the Denver Post, in 2001, but to this date, multiple regional magazines still retain a healthy circulation count.

– The entire Front Range Urban Corridor now houses more than four million residents, and Hickenlooper, the incumbent mayor, has an upper hand over the largely Democratic city council government. As the largest city within 500 miles, it seems natural that the majority of goods and services in the Mountain States, the Southwest, and virtually all Western states sit in Denver’s inventory and distribution channels. It is not so much as Californian competitors as much as the large urban conglomerations in the Midwest such as Chicago and St Louis that are essential to Denver’s sphere of influence.

The geographically endowed trade point has recently benefited from federal and state initiatives. Many agencies have set up secondary command and control centres in Denver, and the Colorado Convention Centre doubled its capacity in 2005.

Any businesses would do well to consolidate its position in Denver.

For more information, please visit our Denver website.

For more information, please visit our Denver website http://www.denvermarketing.com/

Author Bio: For more information, please visit our Denver website.

Category: Travel
Keywords: Metropolitan Area ,San Franciso,Chicago,Denver,

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