Does Your Organization Need HIPAA Training and Certification

The number of people who are losing their jobs has been on the increase and Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) helps employees and their families have medical insurance cover even when they lose their jobs. HIPAA also helps protect patient information through privacy and security rules. This will help prevent fraud and insurance abuse and bring down the cost of administration.

All information pertaining to the health of a patient is nowadays stored electronically and Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act ensures that this confidential information is not viewed by all. Only patients and other authorized employees of health care providers would be able to access this information and this will help prevent its misuse.

What Are The Covered Entities That Require HIPAA Training And Certification

– Health care providers – HIPAA training and certification is necessary for all health care providers as they would have access to confidential information of patients. Clinics, hospitals, laboratories, nursing homes and pharmacies are all classified as health care providers. Employees who work in these health care providers and who will be accessing the patient information would need to be adequately trained in processing and storing this information. Doctors, nurses, receptionists and managers (hospitals and clinics) are just some of the individuals who would be needing this training and certification.

– Health insurance companies – People who are working in the health insurance companies should also be aware of the various provisions of Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act. The training will help them learn who will be eligible for medical cover and the type of coverage that they are entitled to. This will also help prevent any insurance abuse or fraud. The employees should also be trained in proper documentation, processing and storage of information.

– Clearing houses – There are some organizations that are involved in medical billing and claims. Employees of such organizations would also need to be trained and certified so that they are aware of the importance of processing this important information in a proper way.

Employees who work in the organizations specified above would not be able to comply with the various provisions of the act if they are not adequately trained and certified. Training will serve the dual purpose of ensuring compliance of Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act and avoiding penalties for non compliance of the act.

There are various ways in which the employers of the organizations specified as “covered entities” can provide training to their employees.

Training can be provided either in the classroom or using the Internet. There are many colleges and hospitals that have online training programs that can be easily completed. The cost of the training programs would vary depending on the course details that are taught and other services that are requested.

The employer can choose the training program that best suits the specific needs of his employees. The choice of course can also be done based on the responsibility that is entrusted on the employee who would be handling the protected information of the patient. Training of employees will ensure easy compliance of Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act.

For more information, please visit our HIPAA website.

For more information, please visit our HIPAA website

Author Bio: For more information, please visit our HIPAA website.

Category: Advice
Keywords: health insurance companies ,patient,Health Insurance ,HIPAA Training ,Covered Entities

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