Mike Geary Recommends Weird Stomach Exercises
Who is the Mike Geary. Well, he has a degree in science from Pennsylvania. Besides being a fitness trainer and nutritionist with national certification, he has also written a famous book called \’The Truth about Six Pack Abs’. He has spent a lot of his career specializing in the reduction of body fat. He also concentrates on functional and power training.Due to the poor feeding habits and lack of exercise, he found it fit to write a health and fitness e-book which will help people to eat right, exercise right,live healthy, live stronger and longer.
The e-book \’The Truth about Six Pack Abs’ is one of the top-selling books on “Clickbank” in the health and fitness in exercise niche.This is a digital product which you are able to download immediately and access all the materials for various stomach exercises.
It has some major aspects of revolutionary content. He discusses the failure of new cardiovascular and painful stomach exercises to deliver ripped abs. In fact, the danger is that these exercises will build bulk, muscle and stamina, but leave flab. He has some really weird exercises that do not require hours and hours of boring cardiovascular cycling or running. Instead he contends that stomach crunches and sit ups are not the most efficient way of getting ripped abs.
Instead he suggests a set of less painful but weird efficient exercises that will deliver a flat stomach.
The truth about about e-book will take you through these exercises which you would rarely find elsewhere, that how weird they are.
In addition to his book \’The Truth about Six Pack Abs he has written many articles which are published on Ezine and elsewhere, promoting the full body training combined with a healthy balanced tasty diet, as the only effective way to get ripped abs. He\’s always surprised many people that do not see that long intensive workouts of sit ups, stomach crunches and running or cycling or swimming do not lose stubborn body fat.
What you need is a combination of full body training as well as a healthy tasty diet. It is important that it is a tasty diet to ensure that you do not revert to those junk foods like snack on high-fat, fried or salty food.
Junk food is a huge danger, as it contains tasty ingredients which ultimately do little but add to a flabby waistline.If possible, recommends foods from their natural state. If you did not know, processed foods are not the best because of the chemicals used while in the process. It expensive to have the whole foods, but benefits are great. You live healthy and say bye bye to most illnesses brought about by foods.
So a tasty diet should include nutritious foods that assist the body to metabolize the food rather than store fat. These will not include any foods that are deep-fried heavily salted or containing hydrogenated trans-fats.
Meat that has come from grass fed animals has high omega three fatty acids and other nutrients that assist with burning fat. Your tasty diet will include fish, eggs, meat (lean) vegetables, especially broccoli and cauliflower, chicken breasts, oats and oat bran, durum wheat pastas and fresh fruit amongst many other foods that mean that you will have a tasty diet.
It might appear strange, but if you read his book \’The Truth about Six Pack Abs’ and apply all the principles , it will make aa lot of sense when you start feeling the effect in your body. All you need is to stay focused and be persistent with the application.
Mike Geary provides a great deal of support for you and his book covers the full range of diet and exercises.
In addition, he differentiates between men and women showing each sex, how to achieve a flat stomach without too much pain. So, he has catered for everyone.
\’The Truth about Six Pack Abs’ is well worth reading, and is available online, and you will be able to download it immediately and access the materials. No shipping and handling fees are involved.
To get full access to this e-book, check it out at, weird stomach exercises or visit http://www.truthsaboutsixpack.com
Author Bio: To get full access to this e-book, check it out at, weird stomach exercises or visit http://www.truthsaboutsixpack.com
Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet