A Routine Visit to Your Dentist

Visiting the dentist is an inconvenience. Moreover, if you\’re feeling pain in your teeth or gums, such visits can even be stressful. But they play an important role in the long-term health and longevity of your teeth. The problem is, many people neglect to visit their dentists for years, in part because they are uncertain regarding what to expect.

With this in mind, we\’ll describe what you\’ll experience during a comprehensive dental visit. We\’ll explain each item that will likely be performed, along with the reasons. What follows should not be confused with a typical checkup; a checkup is an abbreviated form of what we\’ll describe below. If years have passed since you last visited your dentist, the following may spur you to make an appointment.

A Preliminary Oral Inspection

Your dentist will want to perform a full examination of your tongue, the roof of your mouth, the floor, and the insides of your cheeks. He or she will look for abnormalities, such as blisters, abscesses, and strange growths. These and other symptoms might suggest a serious oral or dental problem that warrants further inspection or treatment.

An Examination Of Your Gums

Once an oral inspection has been completed, your dentist will take a closer look at your gums. He or she will check for signs of periodontal disease (i.e. gingivitis or periodontitis), looking for bleeding, discoloration, or swelling. Your dentist may try to cause bleeding in your gums to note how easy it is to do so. Bleeding that occurs quickly with little more than a minor prod suggests an underlying issue.

Inspection Of The Fit Between Your Teeth

Next, your dentist will examine how closely your upper and lower teeth join together when you bite down. This will reveal an underbite, overbite, and other malocclusions (i.e. improper bites) that may warrant treatment. Many people with bite irregularities can resolve them with braces or aligners.

A Check For Signs Of Decay

Your dentist will closely inspect your teeth for signs of decay. Each tooth will be examined manually. A long instrument with a mirror on its end (called a mouth mirror) is used to check the teeth in the back of the mouth. Another instrument known as a sickle probe (sometimes called an explorer) is used to inspect the enamel. Decay indicates dental caries.

X-rays Of Your Teeth And Mouth

Decay is often hidden from view. Tiny caries (i.e. cavities) can form in the crevices of the teeth, making them all but impossible to see with the unaided eye. For this reason, your dentist will take x-rays of your mouth. The images display decay as dark splotches on the teeth, in contrast to the lighter colors that represent for enamel, fillings, and restorations (e.g. crowns). Due to the contrast, dental caries are much easier to identify on x-ray images.

Professional Cleaning And Polishing

Brushing your teeth (properly) helps to remove plaque and bacteria from their surfaces. But doing so will not remove tartar, a much harder material. This is the reason for having your teeth cleaned by your dentist. He or she will use an instrument known as a dental scaler to scrape away tartar, which would otherwise cause decay.

After tartar has been removed from your teeth, your dentist will polish them in order to clear away stains. This is performed with a dental tool called a prophy cup.

How Often Should You Visit Your Dentist?

Assuming your teeth are in good condition, and there are no signs of tartar or decay, visit your dentist every six months. He or she will perform a checkup during which x-rays will be taken, and your teeth will be cleaned and polished. If you experience tooth pain or sensitivity, or notice signs of gum disease, make an appointment as soon as possible.

Given sufficient time, tooth decay can jeopardize the life of a tooth, prompting a need for a root canal. Additionally, damage caused by advanced gum disease (periodontitis) is often permanent. Avoid waiting too long before visiting your dentist.

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Category: Medicines and Remedies
Keywords: Family, Legal, Advise

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