Ways on How to be More Green in Arizona

Arizona is the 48th state of the United States of America, and is known for its desert climate, extreme warm weather almost all thru out the year and moderate winters. Arizona is fourth among other states to use alternative power solution such as solar energy.

How to be more green in Arizona is easy, if one will follow the tips that are stated below.

Going green is also known as Environmentalism, which is a broad spectrum of ideology regarding environmental conservation. Environmentalists fight for the restoration, preservation, and the improvement of the environment for the benefit of Earth’s inhabitants.

How to be more green in Arizona

Go green by eating seasonal, organic, local food. This will not only help in one’s health but it can help conserve the environment. Eating fresh food will reduce production of packaging materials that are usually harmful in the environment. Eating local food will reduce the greenhouse gas emission from transporting food products from one place to another. Consuming seasonal, organic produce will promote the use of organic farming and responsible land utilization.

Go green thru the use of environmental friendly personal care products. This means using ingredients from plants rather than petro-chemicals that are harmful for the user and the habitat in the long run.

If possible, go green by purchasing second hand products rather than brand new items. From clothing to furniture and other things that people use, a huge amount of energy and materials are spent just to make one. So buying less or at least buying second hand products will help reduce the amount of materials and energy that is used up.

Another way of going green is to use alternative power source. The question “How to be more green in Arizona” is being answered by its inhabitants by using solar PV. Harnessing solar energy from the sun and converting to electricity is a big deal in helping the environment not to mention cutting down electricity costs, saving around 70% on electric bills.

One can also go green by organizing car pools, commuting, riding a bike, or if one’s destination is a few blocks away, walking is the best option. Not only will it help reduce greenhouse gas emission, it is also a form of exercise that can boost one’s health.

Reduce. Re-use. Recycle. These are the three words that can sum up the phrases “Going green”. Reducing, as much as possible the things being used by getting what is necessary and not in excess of one’s needs is the first step in going green. Re-using and recycling reduces the percentage of waste products that can pollute our environment.

There are still several ways on how to be more green in Arizona and in other parts of the world for that matter. It is just a matter of will in changing one’s bad habits, the knowledge and the understanding on the effects to our environment, and the perseverance in making it work.

There is only one Earth, so it is best to go green.

Are you looking for more information regarding How to be more green in Arizona? Visit http://dougb.cleangreennation.com today!

Are you looking for more information regarding How to be more green in Arizona? Visit http://dougb.cleangreennation.com today!

Author Bio: Are you looking for more information regarding How to be more green in Arizona? Visit http://dougb.cleangreennation.com today!

Category: Society
Keywords: going green,greenhouse gas emission

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