How to Recover Effectively After Calf Augmentation Surgery

Part of the success of your surgery is how you go about with your recovery. And with calf augmentation surgery, you need to take extra precautions to make sure that your results will not be compromised. So here we give you some tips on how to do it right.

– When you are planning for a calf augmentation surgery it is important to factor in someone who will assist you afterwards. Since you will be groggy and maybe a little disoriented for the first 24-48 hours after surgery, you need to have someone around to assist you. This is most important especially when going home, because that person will be the one to drive you back.

– Your medications, water and other important materials should be within your reach at your bedside.

– You need to prevent stressing your calves after the procedure, therefore take a significant amount of bed rest.

– You may feel a bit nauseated after the procedure. Your doctor will prescribe you with medications specifically for this, but take them only as instructed. You can take sips of cold water and avoid any acidic drinks because this will only aggravate the problem. You can also munch on some ice chips.

– You will also be prescribed with antibiotics. Take them exactly as instructed because this is the best way for them to work, in order to protect you from opportunistic infections.

– Always keep your compression garments on according to the doctor’s instructions in order to reduce swelling and bruising. This way faster healing will also occur.

– Ensure that the incision site is kept clean, dry and covered at all times. Any infection coming from this site will largely affect the healing of the entire area.

– Prop both legs on a pillow or two when sleeping. This will also reduce any swelling and t also prevents the implants from displacing.

– After a few days you can do gentle massages to help firm up the area, especially for those individuals who have some skin laxity.

– Once the incisions are closed, you can also massage them using some moisturizing cream or anti-scar treatment to promote circulation for better healing.

– Regularly check the sensation of your legs. If you observe any signs of poor circulation and loss in sensitivity, report this immediately to your surgeon.

– You can move your legs a bit by wiggling your feet and toes. This will help resume a good circulation into the area.

– Don’t put yourself into undue stress, if you have to get out of bed, and you see that it may seem a little hard for you, always ask for help. Don’t try to be hero and do it alone because you will just be risking yourself from injury.

– If you feel any rise in temperature, redness, or intense pain, immediately report this to your doctor because you might be developing an infection.

– You are expected to recover fully after six months of your calf augmentation, so take it easy till then. Avoid any contact sports or heavy lifting.

If you want a good outcome from your cosmetic surgery in Australia, have yours done at Esteem Cosmetic Studio. We treat you to the best facilities in the region with highly skilled board-certified surgeons. For more information including the cost of calf augmentation. Visit our clinic located in Brisbane, Canberra and Sydney.

Esteem Cosmetic Studio is one of the most prominent Cosmetic Clinic based in Sydney, Brisbane and Canberra Australia. It is run by a team of doctors who specialize in different field of cosmetic surgery including calf augmentation, see here,

Author Bio: If you want a good outcome from your cosmetic surgery in Australia, have yours done at Esteem Cosmetic Studio. We treat you to the best facilities in the region with highly skilled board-certified surgeons. For more information including the cost of calf augmentation. Visit our clinic located in Brisbane, Canberra and Sydney.

Category: Medicines and Remedies
Keywords: calf augmentation surgery,post calf augmentation,calf augmentation recovery

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