The Best Social Phobia Test Revealed

Taking a Social Phobia test, or Social Anxiety Disorder test as it is otherwise known, sounds difficult and time consuming, however it is easier than you think.

Nowadays there are many online tests in lots of different shapes and sizes aimed at giving you an indication of your level of Social Phobia, anxiety or the likes.

As with most things in life, you will find some of these tests are better or more helpful than others at giving you a complete picture of your level of anxiety. Some will give you a high level overview of your Social Phobia while others contain more detail and give you a more in depth analysis of your condition.

I have found each time I look at a Social Phobia test I can\’t help coming back to one in particular. My Social Phobia test of choice is the Liebowitz Social Anxiety Scale Self-Report (LSAS-SR). I see this as the industry standard to which I end up comparing the rest.

This particular test was developed by Dr. Michael R. Liebowitz, a leading light in the field of Social Anxiety Disorder (Social Phobia) research.

Dr. Liebowitz holds many memberships, advisory roles and editorial roles within medical associations and on boards and in particular serves on the board of the Journal of Anxiety Disorders and Anxiety. He has conducted numerous clinical trials and is at the forefront of Social Anxiety Disorder (Social Phobia) treatment. He has also published many journal articles, books, and chapters on topics in psychiatry. All in all, he is extremely well qualified to be trusted in his evaluation of Social Phobia, hence the reason I can\’t help coming back to the Social Phobia test he developed.

Due to the straight forward multiple choice manner of Dr. Liebowitz\’s test, it is easily ported into the online world. Automated versions of the test can be filled in easily and quickly online with the results available instantaneously.

The test is in the form of a short questionnaire outlining 24 simple situations. To complete the test you must think of yourself in these simple situations and you must rate both your fear of engaging in the situation and also if you would have a tendency to avoid that same situation. Your scores for each question, once totalled at the end, give you a final score that can be placed on the Social Anxiety scale, indicating if you have or how severe you have Social Anxiety (Social Phobia).

It is also useful to sit the same Social Phobia test regularly as a way to monitor your level of anxiety or Social Phobia. Keep a note of your scores, maybe on a weekly basis, and plot them on a graph so you can track your progress, but you must understand that a Social Phobia test is not a means to fully diagnose Social Phobia in isolation. It is always advisable to seek a complete diagnosis by following up your Social Phobia test results with a doctor or other mental health professional.

George Hunter is a writer and blogger about Social Anxiety who created to help fellow sufferers find help for their condition. Visit to take the Social Anxiety test.

George Hunter is a writer and blogger about Social Anxiety who created to help fellow sufferers find help for their condition. Visit to take the Social Anxiety test.

Author Bio: George Hunter is a writer and blogger about Social Anxiety who created to help fellow sufferers find help for their condition. Visit to take the Social Anxiety test.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: Social Phobia test, social anxiety, social anxiety disorder, social anxiety disorder test, Liebowitz

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