Boardwalk Auto Group – Should You Buy Or Lease Your Next Car?

The query of buying versus leasing arises for a number of individuals when they’re considering acquiring a new vehicle. This requires careful consideration whether one is looking for a personal car, opting out of one’s company car program or looking for a company car.

If one has purchased his cars in the past, he would possibly understand how much they eventually depreciate. As a matter of fact, most vehicles would have lost no less than half of their original price by the time they’re 3 years old. This is a major argument in regards to purchasing cars according to Brian Ongaro and his team at Boardwalk Auto Group.

If one leases a car, let’s say a Volkswagen, Audi or Maserati, he doesn’t’ need to fret about depreciation as, with majority of lease contracts, one doesn’t own the automobile and could just return it at the end of its term. There are, sure enough, other End of Contract alternatives available to one like extending the contract or buying the car, depending on the kind of lease one chooses.

Advantages Of Leasing

When contrasting buying versus leasing, take into account the advantages of car leasing.

The major advantages of car leasing are low primary monthly and outlay payments, easy budgeting of one’s expenses, no additional commitment when the contract ends, and easily changing one’s vehicle every 2 to 3 years. Moreover, there may be tax benefits, but you should always consult a tax professional for advise there.

Considerations That Would Help One Decide Whether To Lease Or Buy

To help one resolve the buy versus lease dilemma, car leasing will possible suit one if:

– He wants to know precisely how much his car would cost him each month

– He doesn’t want any surprise costs for routine maintenance or repairs

– He likes the idea of driving a new vehicle every two to three years

– He doesn’t want to be concerned about how fast his vehicle is depreciating

– He only wants a low primary outlay to obtain his new car

– He has a nice idea of how many miles he drives every year

– He tends to look after his vehicle he drives, as lease vehicles are typically subjected to a Fair Wear and Tear Policy

– He doesn’t enjoy the process of trading in a vehicle that he owns

– He likes the flexibility of end of contract alternatives – he could just return the vehicle without additional commitment, extend the contract or maybe even buy the car of he wishes to

In general, however, when considering buying versus leasing, one would find that car leasing has more benefits unless his annual mileage is really low, or he has a personal desire to own his car and have it for a long period.

To know more about car buying and leasing, why not visit the website of Brian Ongaro or of the Boardwalk Auto Group. One would certainly learn lots of valuable tips and info on what is more ideal when deciding to lease or purchase a new car.

For more information on Brian Ongaro and the latest automotive industry updates visit

For more information on Brian Ongaro and the latest automotive industry updates visit

Author Bio: For more information on Brian Ongaro and the latest automotive industry updates visit

Category: Business
Keywords: Boardwalk Auto Group

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