How to Get Fat!

A very good and close friend of mine called round recently and as so often is the case taught me a very memorable lesson. I know he had been concerned about his weight over the last year or two even though, the route of his problem is pretty clear. He has a weakness for foods like cakes, pastries etc, which he has allowed to get out of control. My casual advice had been to simply eat foods he enjoyed that were more positive, naturally his weight would stabilise over the coming months. This worked very well for him until yesterday when he came over to my house and announced his plan. He was going to stop eating for two days out of seven! He was going to crash diet and starve himself for two whole days out of every week in order to gain control of his weight.

I was horrified and could clearly see from his logic and words that he had reached a point at which he was about to start his journey into weight gain. This was the start of his dieting career which will make him much heavier and a lot less happy than he is now. He had reached the point where it all starts, the point where he joins the diet cult. I know many clients say they have struggled with their weight all their lives but many must surely remember the time when they joined the cult. My good friend is about to start down a road of guaranteed weight gain like millions of us have before. He has started to change his mindset into a dieter. I realised that this is probably how it all started for many people and it may have started that way for you. I am going to try and talk some sense into him but should I fail then he will certainly start to become heavier over the coming years.

He is about to start thinking about and avoiding certain foods, the more he tries to avoid them the more powerful they will become. He will create his own obsession and in so doing will grasp at a wide and varied range of answers. The weightwatchers, the diet plans the scales and the magic pills will all follow. He will become less confident in his willpower as time goes on and never know it’s the diet itself that is making him fatter. He will believe its his fault he got heavier and the cycle will continue possibly forever. I realised now that I was seeing the very beginning of the behaviour I describe in my book right there before my eyes. I knew that there would be people who remembered when it all started for them. They would remember also that since then whether it be three years or thirty years they are heavier now than they ever were at the beginning. Please let me know if you can remember that time by emailing me at as I would love to hear your stories that may help others.

In the meantime I am going to attempt to keep my friend from the cult and ask him to follow just one or two of the simple messages in my book. If I can’t then he is just about to give us all a lesson in how to get fatter.

12 Fat Ladies Register now for your free pdf download.

Michael Dawson is the author of “12 Fat Ladies” How to get off diets and stay off diets, forever! The free pdf download is available by subscribing at

Author Bio: 12 Fat Ladies Register now for your free pdf download.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: weightwatchers,diet,health,fat,fatter

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