What is Black Toenail?

Black toenail or also known as subungual hematoma is a result of direct impact on the toe of an individual. It can also be acquired when an athlete kicks onto something hard. Other cases involve the repetitive rubbing or friction against the inside of a footwear which is very common among runners and soccer players. Also known as “jogger’s toe”, this type of injury is common among runners who are constantly grinding their lower limbs during practice.

Many people do not put much importance to a black toenail as much as with the other types of injuries. Basically, injuries would only matter to athletes if they are creating distractions or prevents the individual from doing his or her potential during the game. Although a black toenail does not pose similar threats as those of the more serious damages to a part of the human body, it is visually unpleasant and can also give a little discomfort to the patient. In addition, infection is among the common concern when it comes to a damaged toenail. In most cases though, the nail will eventually fall off from the nail bed in the long run if proper medical care was not done.

This type of problem is quite easy to spot unlike with the other injuries which require the assessment and diagnosis of a medical professional. In fact, all you need is to check on the toenail that is hurting and you will see the discoloration due to the blood trapped between the nail and the nail bed. You will also feel a throbbing pain right on the affected toe as a result of the impact which provides extra pressure under the toenail. Some cases involve the swelling of the affected toe which is a result of the bruising and internal bleeding. You will also see blackness underneath the toe which is a clear sign that blood has been trapped under the nail.

There are two types of treatment when it comes to treating a black toenail. Both of these involve serious methods to the affected nails on the toe. Trephining and nail removal are both used to relieve the pain and discomfort, prevent infection, and restore the optimum function of the toe.

In a trephining method, the medical specialist uses an object designed to make a hole on the nail. The purpose of the hole made just underneath the nail is to provide an escape for the buildup of pressure on the affected toe. This will prevent further damages such as infection to the black toenail. In addition, it relieves pain and discomfort which slightly affects the walking ability of the patient. The hole is then dressed up in order to prevent infection afterwards.

Nail removal method is usually done on severe cases. This is commonly utilized on nails that are deformed or had incurred critical damages where they are required to be pulled off the nail bed. Nerve blocks are commonly used during the procedure of the nail removal process as anesthetic are not usually used during the minor surgery.

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