Using Social Bookmarking For Your Link Building Strategy
Link building for your website is critically important if you are looking for huge traffic and in turn improving your rank in search engines. It is proven that more links can help your website climb in the search engines. May it be your own detailed how-to guides or a Do-it-yourself video that has taken hours to create, social bookmarking can highlight just about anything you have worked so hard to build. Building great and attractive content for your website is just half the work done- a lesson which most of the marketers and site owners were shocked to find out. Social bookmarking helps you grab attention for your content.
Is It Worth?
This is a much debated topic as for how much traffic can one actually generate by placing their links on social bookmarking sites. Some say that this technique should certainly not be considered as an essential part of your linking campaign. But having your site bookmarked every time you make changes to it doubles your chances of being noticed.
A Marketer’s Point Of View:
Many online marketers believes social bookmarking achieves a considerably high amount of natural incoming links, which helps in being noticed in different social communities which in turn increases brand value. It is highly suggested that while submitting to a social bookmarking site, you should ensure that the site provides you with Dofollow links that gives you all the benefits for your URL which would have been hidden in case of Nofollow links.
Some Dofollow Social Bookmarking Sites You Could Use:
Selecting from the list of overcrowded Dofollow bookmarking sites, some recommendations have been listed to help you gain in your link building process.
Using automated tools is highly avoidable as it can get your site in the search engines’ bad books. These links often end-up as spam links.
Plan a Routine:
Keeping your goal in mind, remember to build your links over a period of time rather than building too many in a short period of time. Search engines don’t like you building hundreds of links in a day because they are likely to catch the attention and presume its been done for all the wrong reasons. It is best to spread your link building over a period of days and weeks to avoid any problems with the very search engines you are trying to please.
Keep It Simple
Firstly, the key behind social bookmarking is to join the most popular site, which can help you with the most useful back-links to your site.
Secondly, create ‘deep-links’ to the internal pages of your site instead of targeting just the home page.
Thirdly, create your profile on sites which allows you to do so, as this will provide an extra link along with the anchor text.
Fourthly, interlink various social profile on social bookmarking websites to get more out of the link benefits.
Links are the deciding factor that determines the value of your website by getting more traffic, improving rankings and positions for your targeted keywords. All this would ultimately result in sales and profit. Social bookmarking links prove to be stable and less likely to lose its value over time, hence making it one of the best methods to have your URL along with its internal page URLs to be bookmarked over the internet.
brad schnirring is the owner and admin of free web link and article directory
brad schnirring is the owner and admin of free web link and article directory
Author Bio: brad schnirring is the owner and admin of free web link and article directory
Category: Internet
Keywords: social bookmarking,link building,bookmarks,social bookmarks,web link building