Chaos or Order Does Your Office Have Its Ideal System in Place\’

Chaos or order

Without organisation, an office can quickly fall into chaos. In order to insure that your office always runs smoothly, it is important to have the ideal system in place. It is equally important to have the right supplies for every job, and to insure that every employee is safe and on task. Take a moment to look around your office. Each desk should be equipped with appropriate office equipment and supplies, clutter should be kept to a minimum, and everything should be conveniently located. Office furniture should not only be arranged for comfort and aesthetics, but also for safety. And last but not least, reserve office supplies, spare office furniture and equipment, and bulky items should be placed out of the way, and out of sight.

Lost time prevention

Time wasted searching for, or having to reorder supplies at the last minute, is inefficient and costly. Frequently ordered supplies such as; paper, whiteboards, envelopes, and pens should be ordered in bulk and then arranged neatly in a storeroom, or other designated space, for easy access.

To reduce the likelihood of possible injury, heavier items (ie., boxes of paper, equipment) should be placed on the floor, while light weight items (ie., boxes of envelopes, pens, staples) should be placed on shelves that are at eye level.

Try to avoid installing shelves that can only be reach by standing on something, or by the tallest person in the office. If placing items on higher shelves is unavoidable, a small step ladder should be used for stability. Also, a small hand cart should be used to transport large boxes of paper and other heavy supplies around the office.

Increase productivity, reduce inefficiency

To increase productivity and reduce inefficiency, it is recommended that all office space should be kept free and clear of clutter. Office furniture should be rearranged on a regular basis. and broken office supplies, such as rulers, scissors or staplers, should be disposed of and replaced. (rather than attempting to repair items with tape or glue.) Also, an office runs more orderly when everyone knows what they are doing. Your ideal office system should incorporate ways to keep every employee in the loop, and up to speed on office happenings.

Research suggests that an untidy office can result in poor productivity, stress, and employee discontent. Sprucing up your office by rearranging furniture, adding live plants, or even a splash of colour can dramatically improve not only the mood of your employees but also their work practices. Try adding a boldly designed area rug. Or you can paint a wall a bright new colour. On a smaller scale, you can buy more colourful office supplies. These days, pencil holders, tape dispensers, staplers, hole punchers, and a variety of other office supplies, come in colours other than traditional black. Even paper and envelopes can be purchased in a more colourful hue.

If your office does not have them, purchase some large whiteboards and place them in areas of the office where all employees will see them. By posting day to day events, projects, meetings, and all other office related happenings on the boards employees will be kept abreast of important issues. Posting daily meetings and updates on whiteboards, or corkboards, not only saves paper, it saves time, eliminates the need for excessive emails and memos, and reduces idol chitchat and word of mouth notifications.

Achieving the ideal office system is possible. By eliminating things that can cause chaos; like accidents, inefficiency, and confusion, you will be able to add order, organisation and even a bit of fun to your workplace.

Lyndsey Mcdonald comes with a extensive broad range of office and company supplies knowledge and is also regarded a pro in all aspects. Please visit for products and information on office supplies.

Lyndsey Mcdonald comes with a extensive broad range of office and company supplies knowledge and is also regarded a pro in all aspects. Please visit for products and information on office supplies.

Author Bio: Lyndsey Mcdonald comes with a extensive broad range of office and company supplies knowledge and is also regarded a pro in all aspects. Please visit for products and information on office supplies.

Category: Business
Keywords: office supplies, business supplies, office stationary, whiteboards, sellotape, envelopes

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