The Uses Of A Samsung N7000

The Samsung n7000 more popularly known as the Galaxy Note, is making noise for itself for being a useful and attractive all-around gadget. A bit on the expensive side, the Galaxy Note is a worthy addition to one\’s personal gadget collection since its features can replace the many uses of just one device. It can be a phone, a tablet, a notepad, a portable media player, a gaming device, an Internet browser, and a digital camera. The specs offered by the Galaxy Note are also far from inferior. The 5.29-inch screen has an HD Super AMOLED display which instantly makes viewing content more defined, more vivid, and noticeably clearer.

One of the main uses of the Samsung Galaxy Note is being a notepad. One can scribble on it with drawings, color illustrations, and jot down notes in school or at the workplace. This feature is what makes the Galaxy Note a must-have gadget. With the addition of an S pen, one can easily write notes, highlight words, encircle important details, snip and edit documents – the possibilities are endless. Anything you can do with a basic writing pad can be done with the Galaxy Note as if it’s your own notebook.

Aside from that, the Samsung n7000 can be used to consume media and content. Surfing the Internet is easier since the screen provides for a large display to see text and pictures. Watching movies with the Galaxy Note is also a more pleasant experience. Compared to watching videos in smaller screens, the N7000\’s display is larger and more detailed. In fact, the video coupled with the audio gives one an amazing viewing experience. That\’s because the Note looks great, sounds great, and functions swiftly without lags and slows. The 1.4GHz dual-core processor is responsible for the Note\’s overall responsiveness and fast interface.

For those who are inconvenienced by bringing an external digital camera to events must not worry for the Galaxy Note can take high-resolution photographs in daylight. Unlike other smart phones or tablets, the N7000 has an 8MP camera with a LED flash located at the back of the gadget. Taking pictures are a breeze with the device, plus the results of the photos are also naturally great. The colors are just right and moderately-saturated, yet it is clear and well-defined. It also has a 2MP front camera useful for video calls and Skype. Compared to the standard 1.3MP front cameras of other devices, the 2MP of the Galaxy Note is definitely superior.

The only setbacks in getting the Samsung n7000 are the gadget\’s price and bulky nature. The device is clearly not targeted at everyone since the price is higher than normal smart phones in the market. This is because the Galaxy Note is both a smart phone with the functionalities of a tablet, only more portable. Many are also not comfortable with its size, though the Note is making up for it in terms of app experience and media consumption. Still, for those who take on the plunge of owning one, it is a device that may just be a piece of heaven on earth.

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Category: Computers and Technology
Keywords: Samsung n7000

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