Hibiscus Organic Twist
Many people around the world suffer with high cholesterol levels. Cholesterol is a white soapy substance found in the tissue of the human body and in certain foods. Even though, cholesterol is important and necessary for human’s health, because it’s an important component in the hormonal system of the body. Cholesterol builds and maintains membranes; it also moves membrane fluidity around. Having high levels of cholesterol in the blood is not good, because it damages the arteries and can cause cardiovascular disease.
Cardiovascular disease is a disease that involves the heart or blood vessels. The arteries and veins get clogged up. Without the cardiovascular system, you lose brain, kidney, and all functions. This disease remains one of the biggest causes of deaths worldwide. Although the disease usually affects older adults, cholesterol begins early in life. Aging is also associated with changes in the structural properties of the vascular wall, because it leads to loss of elasticity. To prevent this disease one has to have necessary changes and have precautions in life. Men are at greater risk of heart disease than women, but if women do not take care of themselves correctly then they can get the disease too. Some good things one can do to prevent this disease is eating healthy, a low fat and high fiber diet including fresh fruit and vegetables can help. Exercising 30 minutes a day for 5 times a week can also help. Also avoiding smoking tobacco everyday and avoiding second hand smoke. Avoiding alcohol consumption daily can reduce the disease. Finally if you can decrease emotional stress, you will be able to live a healthy life.
A great product that helps with cholesterol is Hibiscus Organic Twist. It is an Herbal Tea, organic and caffeine free. This tea is made up of Hibiscus and lemongrass. Hibiscus is cultivated throughout the tropics, mainly in the warm-temperate, subtropical regions. The flowers are highly used for making jams, jellies, sauces and beverages. The hibiscus plants leaves are spiral or often with a toothed margin. The flowers are large, shaped like a flower and have five or more petals. Colors vary from white, pink, red, orange, purple, and yellow. The tea can be drunk hot or cold. It is very well known for the tanginess, taste and color. The tea when drunk is known to be a natural diuretic, which makes you go number 1 a lot or in common language pee. It contains vitamin C and minerals; it is also used as a mild medicine. People with kidney problems, cholesterol or dieters; drink it without sugar, so it works better with all the natural properties. Some studies show that drinking 3 cups of tea daily lower blood pressure, which also lower high cholesterol levels. Lemongrass is a tall grass like plant. It grows into warm temperate and tropical regions. The plan grows up to 2 meters and has red base stems. These plants are used as oils, soaps, sprays for insect repellent, candles and aromatherapy. The tea is used as a medicine against coughs, colds and other sicknesses that are related to colds, it relieves cough and nasal congestion. As any citrus or lemon plants, fruits, medicine it has beneficial properties. It relives you of everything, including cholesterol. Lemon grass is used in teas because of its flavor and properties. It has a citrus tangy flavor. The tea can be drunk hot and cold as well as the hibiscus.
All in all cholesterol can be bad if it is too high. The Hibiscus Organic Twist tea is good to help prevent high cholesterol as well as other sicknesses. The two tropical flavors together, create a tart and fruity tea that is children friendly and wonderful hot or cold. The tea is grown to the best and highest standards of quality control. To be given to everybody, so they can enjoy it and appreciate it in their lives. Enjoy!
Steven Johnson is interested in maintaining a vital and healthy lifestyle. For more information on various health products and other life-enhancing nutrients please visit his website Alternative Health Supplements.
Steven Johnson is interested in maintaining a vital and healthy lifestyle. For more information on various health products and other life-enhancing nutrients please visit his website http://alternative-health-supplements.com/hibiscus-organic-twist.htm Alternative Health Supplements.
Author Bio: Steven Johnson is interested in maintaining a vital and healthy lifestyle. For more information on various health products and other life-enhancing nutrients please visit his website Alternative Health Supplements.
Category: Advice
Keywords: cholesterol levels,hibiscus organic twist, lemongrass, heart health