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Make Online Project Management Tools Your Priority

In today’s business world, it’s easy to find people collaborating across thousands of miles, across international borders even. The Internet has brought us globalisation like never before possible. We are able to travel without leaving the office, able to work in real time with people who have never set foot in our nation. This has […]

Online Project Management ‘Laws Of Murphy’

With today’s ‘virtual business world’, run via the Internet, being able to manage projects that are being coordinated between people who possibly don’t even live in the same country is very, very important to your organisation’s success and profit. This can be a daunting challenge. However, online project management tools and techniques are vital to […]

Online Project Management – Crucial to 21st Century Success

Project management is crucial to your organisation’s success. Projects fall apart, with only rare exceptions to this rule, because of poor project leadership and management. When projects are falling apart at your organisation, you are in jeopardy. Your employees’ jobs are on the line and, besides, many of them will start quitting on you or […]

Why You Need Online Project Management Software

Are you looking for modern solutions to project management? Today’s business environment requires tremendous capability here, as we are so fast-paced and with the Internet there is just so much outreach globally. You might very well be working on projects with people in far away lands on a routine basis. With online project management, Silagra […]

Online Project Management – Save Time, Save Money, Increase Profits

Today, the Internet facilitates the modern business in many different ways. We have VoIP programs saving huge amounts of money on long-distance phone bills. We have web-meeting programs that enable us to meet interactively in real time without the cumbersome problems and expenses associated with physical travel from office to office. We have instant messengers […]

Types of Microsoft PC and Laptop Software and Utilities

Microsoft has a wide variety of PC and Laptop Software and Utilities. The types of products come with a variety of specific features and characteristics. When you purchase software and utilities from Microsoft, it is important to understand what categories they fit in and their characteristics and features so that you choose a product that […]

ERP – The Next Step In Doing Business

You live life on the proverbial fast lane once you step into the corporate world. Producing outputs at a quick pace is a must. The same goes with bagging clients through speedily conceptualised marketing concepts. With speed, you can outmanoeuvre the competition, paving the way for capturing much of your target market. The problem with […]

ERP – Technology’s Answer To The Concerns Of Manual Systems

A message, when passed in a manual business setting, requires you to stand up, head to different cubicles and relay it to the parties involved. A phone call would sometimes suffice, especially if there are pressing matters to take care of. Now, with technology entering the fray, both processes are proven to take too much […]

ERP – The Automated Kaizen Master

Kaizen – the art of organisation formulated by the Japanese – is incorporated by lots of industries, as the proper sorting of info and documents improves the flow of communication and hastens entire business procedures. Times have changed, with the infusion of technology into most organisations, but the art remains intact. However, its implementation nowadays […]

ERP – Today’s Building Blocks For Commercial Success

The wave of automation is sweeping nearly every industry, as companies toss out the typewriter and a handful of business processes in favour of a faster and smoother flow of communication. This way, departments can transact as well as process requests at a speedy rate, maximising company productivity. Much of these advancements are credited to […]