Archive for the "Culture" Category

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Carousel Paintings

Some believe that carousel paintings are in direct correlation with the artist\’s feelings and life experiences. Others feel it is how the artist perceives the things that are relevant in the news around the world. An artist\’s environment can be a crucial factor in the color scheme they choose; whether they know it or not. […]

Home Decor

Oh, the fun that can be had doing home decor additions! Redecorating can add that personal touch to the home or to an office space. Feeling some trepidation about this task? Browse the internet or walk through an art show or gallery to gain inspiration. Home decor can manifest itself in many fashions. Furniture and […]

Education: There Are All Kinds of Lobotomies

This is a story about mad scientists. A true story. In 1932, the Education Establishment forced a new, unproven reading method on American public schools (the method was known at the time as Look-say). The results were disastrous. In 1936, an American doctor named Walter Freeman performed the first prefrontal lobotomy in the U.S. Ten […]

How To Enjoy Live Music Concerts

Life is short and therefore it should be enjoyed to the fullest. There are many ways in which you can enjoy life without hurting the people around you. One common source of entertainment is the live music concert. It gives people a great feeling to watch their favorite musicians perform at a live music concert. […]

The Rising Importance of On-demand Interpreting in China

In 2009 alone, more than 50 million inbound foreign tourists or visitors came to China. Most of these tourists did not know much about speaking or reading words written in the Chinese language, and so needed professional interpreting agencies or translators to provide the necessary assistance. Needless to say, the sheer number of such foreign […]

The Advantage of Hiring In-country Thai Translators

As one of the more dynamic economies in Asia, Thailand is a fairly lucrative place in which to do business. Aside from its multitude of tourist destinations and breathtaking beaches and first-class resorts, it also has burgeoning industrial and manufacturing sectors that are already home to a number of multinational corporations. Despite having adopted the […]

Knitted Jumper Dresses: A Surprising Style Icon

We’re all familiar with woolly jumpers. And we’d all be able to recognise a dress. But to the uninitiated, the idea of a wool dress – alternatively known as a jumper dress – might seem like something from the ice age. Stylish women have always known differently, through, and the jumper dress can be categorised […]

Don’t You Forget About Fun

Television has proved to be a wonderful way of chronicling fashion through the ages, particularly style has changed at break-neck speed during the television age. Music shows in particular have been superb at recording youth fashions. As it’s nearly always the young who adapt to new styles (the oldies usually need to give it a […]

An Ode to the Book

I start this little article quoting Wikipedia: “A book is a set or collection of written, printed, illustrated, or blank sheets, made of ink,paper, parchment, or other materials, usually fastened together to hinge at one side. A single sheet within a book is called a leaf, and each side of a leaf is called a […]

Hip Hop From my Perspective

There are thousands of articles on the net that talk about the breakdown of hip hop. There\’s breakdancing, mc\’n, graffiti, dj\’n, and beatboxing. What I\’m going to focus on in this article, is my own personal account of hip hop based on my experiences. Hip hop tends to be a gauge of what\’s going on […]