Archive for the "Culture and Society" Category


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How Traffic Speeding Tickets Affects Drivers

If you are flagged down by an officer for driving way over the speed limit, you may attract a speed ticket penalty. Knowledge on how traffic speeding tickets affects drivers may be necessary. The most common scenario for a first time offender would be to pay a fine. If at all you decide to plead […]

What Are the Sources of Renewable Energy in WA?

The rising oil prices and worsening climate change have prompted the public to conserve energy and tapped alternative sources of energy. Over the years, various states have conducted research and initiated efforts to develop sources of renewable energy. This is evident with the increasing number of people switching to renewable energy providers. There are many […]

Changes In Seattle Power Usage

The world is in danger of losing its non renewable sources of energy. This is evident with the continuing prices of electricity and fuel. To remedy this, states began tapping alternative sources of energy to meet the demands of the public. Exploration and development of renewable sources of energy such as geothermal heat, biomass, sunlight, […]

Benefits Of Zero Energy Buildings

The danger of depleting the non renewable sources of energy has led various states to tap alternative energy sources to save on energy and lower the costs of energy production. Over the years, the renewable energy sources have caught the attention of the public as more people are switching to this kind of energy. Efforts […]

What Are the Different Home Energy Savings For Seattle Residence?

As the problem on global warming and depletion of energy sources continue to haunt nations, more people are becoming aware of energy saving. Various states have initiated efforts to tap renewable sources of energy and teach the public on how to lessen their energy consumption whether at home or at work. States have come up […]

An Ode to the Book

I start this little article quoting Wikipedia: “A book is a set or collection of written, printed, illustrated, or blank sheets, made of ink,paper, parchment, or other materials, usually fastened together to hinge at one side. A single sheet within a book is called a leaf, and each side of a leaf is called a […]

Safe Community: A Contributor To Country’s Progression

A community is composed of group of people mostly sharing common beliefs, and collaborating with each other for the success of their ultimate goal. As a community, it is the role of the leader to ensure quality protection on each member. Moreover, the society is composed of families that help hand on hand to aid […]

Tips For Our Safety

Looking at our society today, we could really see the mere difference as to what it was before when talking about safety. Right now, we are facing a dilemma of various crimes that are unfortunately increasing in rate and that victims have also continue to rise in number. Sad to say, but the fact is […]

Mens Clothing for the Flexible Man

The world is forever changing. Therefore, the male genus is changing as well. Mens clothing for the flexible man entails a wide gamut which is now offered to the demanding, diverse male of today. Multipurpose garments are now in great demand for various circumstances. Sportswear has become very popular among men of all age groups. […]

Winning the Fight Against Early and Forced Marriage

Three years ago, the UK passed laws aiming to prevent forced marriages by offering protection to victims. But for millions of girls around the world, forced into marriage under the age of 18, no effective legal protection yet exists. In Bangladesh, two thirds of girls are married before the legal age of 18. Since 2009, […]