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Why Are Short Term Mortgages Better Than Long Term Mortgages?

The harsh economic times existing currently have made it quite hard for people to own houses without mortgages. This is mainly due to the reason managing finances has proved to be quite a task thereby making it hard for people to save up money to purchase a house. Usually, there are two types of mortgages, […]

California Platinum Exchange Plan

We have not seen California health coverage this rich since…well it\’s been over a decade. The California Exchange has released their basic blue print for the four different Metallic health plans in California and at the top of the list is the new Platinum plan. Let\’s take a look at the core benefits and who […]

Saving Money on Your Insurance Premiums May be Easier Than You Think!

Yearly Renewable vs Level Premiums When taking out an insurance policy it is often confusing when deciding which premium structure to take. There are two main options and clients find it difficult to know which one is best. This is where I can help. I often find the premium structure that clients have in place […]

Changes in How California Health Insurance Rates Applied

With all the talk in the media on whether California health insurance rates will go up or down, there is a fair amount of forecasting which we all know is prone to mistakes. There are some key aspects of how health insurance rates will change that we do know about so let\’s take a look […]

Global Forex Trade – An Introduction

The foreign exchange market is a form of exchange trade at a global level. It provides global decentralized trading of international currencies, and it has become worldwide popular due to the fact that a trader only needs a software and an Internet connection. However, although it looks like an easy way of earning money through […]

Forex Trading Platforms – What to Know

Forex trading is one of the most vast and liquid markets worldwide, open for five days a week, 24 hours a day and includes all known currencies in the world. In the beginning only billionaires could get into this system in order to obtain profits, and the dedicated networks could exclusively be acessed by brokers. […]

Forex Trading Education

There are a few essential things you need to know before placing all your money in the Forex trading system. Even if it looks simple and requires no academic preparation, it is still a tricky way of losing all your money. It is an all-day market and it can put a lot of pressure on […]

Take Advantage of the Variety of Trading Opportunities Offered by Binary Options Contracts

There is one thing that is for certain when it comes to investing with binary options contracts. That is that they provide perhaps one of the best ways in which to trade a range of diversified strategies on financial markets. This comes down to two main reasons. The first of these is the structure of […]

Forex Trading 101 – Information on Forex For Beginners

Forex trading is a subject that is often mentioned on the Internet. While you may have heard stories of people making thousands, if not millions of dollars in no time at all, it is not a good idea to dive in without prior knowledge of the Forex market, no matter what. You could end up […]

Top Forex Trading Platforms

When getting into Forex trading (foreign exchange trading), it is important to find the best trading platform. One trading platform with excellent reviews is eToro. This platform was founded in 2007 with headquarters in the British Virgin Islands. With a minimum deposit of $50, this platform allows the trader to start small. Etoro offers a […]