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Example of California Health Exchange Rate Changes

A Look At The New Individual Family Health Insurance Rates This is what we\’ve all been waiting for…what will the new rates look like under health reform? We don\’t have the full rate schedules yet but we did get average rates by area and an example rate by area for a 40 year old (gender […]

Save on Your ACC Levies, While Getting Better Insurance Cover at the Same Time!

Do you hate paying your ACC Invoice? Well if you are self-employed and receiving Non – PAYE shareholders salary or taking drawings, then this is for you. New Zealand is a land of Small to Medium Enterprises, and if you are like many business owners who began your business and ended up on the default […]

Aetna to Leave the California Individual and Family Market

We wrote last week on the California Health Exchange\’s list of participating carriers for the individual market and there were some notable exceptions. One of those carriers, Aetna of California, officially notified the public and their current individual membership that they will no longer participate in the Individual market in California. Let\’s take a closer […]

All About Tax Deductions

The month to filing your income tax returns is at hand. If you\’ve been organizing your tax documentation through out the year, then you should have no problems with submitting your tax return. If you had enlisted the help of a tax specialist earlier last year, then you should be able to take full advantage […]

BinaryOptionsExperts Presents: 6 Features About Binary Options Platforms

The binary options trading system has become very popular in the global market as it allows the trader to know what he (or she) will gain or lose right at the outset. Its simplicity and uncomplicated nature has helped take trading to another level altogether. As this type of trading has become very popular with […]

BinaryOptionsExperts Presents: Advantages of Trading Binary Options

Today there are so many choices one can make when it come to trading. So how do you decide which is the best? This is not a question that can be taken lightly. Making such a choice requires a lot of thought and consideration. The first step of becoming a trader is to know what […]

How to Manifest Financial Freedom

When you look at your bills, your paycheck, the news, or the world around you, do you constantly see evidence to support feeling stressed, worried, or afraid about money? Do you listen to economic doomsayers or the woes of your friends and family, your boss, or your own mental monologue, and come away feeling financially […]

Kick’em While They’re Down!

Anyone who has experienced unemployment knows that finding a job when you are out of work is not an easy task. The job market has changed in recent years from one that valued great general experience and accomplishments to one that values high degrees of very specific training. Many are finding that the days of […]

The California Health Care Insurance Market

Health care insurance in California can be a daunting task. To begin with, California actually has one of the most competitive healthcare insurance markets in the Country with many more competing companies than most (if not all) States. This is good news for the consumer but it also provides a level of complexity in trying […]

RAF For California Group Health Insurance Will Go Away

RAF For California Group Health Insurance Will Go Away There are many sweeping changes occurring California group health insurance market and one of them involves the cryptic but important RAF or Risk Adjustment Factor. This is important as it affects the rates that companies can pay for health insurance by up to 20% (10% up […]