Archive for the "Cancer Survival" Category

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The Deadliest Cancers

Lung cancer is the most common type of cancer; someone dies every four minutes from it. In addition to smoking induced cancer, there are some types that are genetic, there are some caused by lymphoma, and some are from other cancers that have spread to the lungs. Pancreas cancer is the deadliest cancer. It is […]

Cures For Cancer

Scientists and doctors have been looking for ways to find a universal cure for cancer for many years now. Although there have been many breakthroughs and there are a lot more options than there were a few years ago such as cancer treatment and radiation therapy, there are still some cancers and certain circumstances that […]

Asbestos: What is it and How it Can Harm You

Asbestos comes from a Greek word that means inextinguishable or unquenchable. Six of the earth’s naturally occurring silicate minerals combine to form asbestos. The properties that these six silicate minerals share include their asbestiform shape and their crystals which are long, slender and fibrous. Because of its excellent absorptive quality, good enough tensile strength and […]

Asbestos Exposure: Still Happening Today

People of the modern world are still being exposed to trace amount of asbestos even to this day. The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission had banned the use of asbestos in gas fireplaces as well as in wallboard patching supplies since the 1970s. These products were found to release excessive amounts of asbestos into the […]

Alternative Cancer Treatment – Understanding Hyperthermia

Although there are numerous alternative cancer therapies on the horizon, hyperthermia continues to be one of the most promising. Based on the fact that cancer cells are susceptible to heat, hyperthermia can be used to reduce the size of tumors and kill cancer cells. It can also be used in conjunction with other cancer treatments […]

8 Things That You Didn’t Know Could Cause Cancer

Our bodies are continuously exposed to germs, viruses, bacteria, and carcinogens. Every day the body’s immune system effectively suppresses these numerous assaults-unless the assault is too strong and/or the immune system is too weak to destroy the affected or damaged cells. Normal cells will grow, divide and die in an orderly fashion. However, abnormal cancerous […]

Cancer Prevention With Omega-3 – Does it Really Help?

Cancer is a disease that can affect any one at any age. 13% of the deaths in the year 2007 were caused by cancer. While treatment for cancer is constantly being researched, risk for this disease also continues to increase. It is known to be caused by an abnormality in the genes due to carcinogens […]

Prostate Cancer Research Funding and Male Vanity

As someone who’s living with prostate cancer, I applauded Louis Gossett Jr.’s testimony in Congress on the importance of prostate cancer research funding. If congress was listening, maybe I’ll live long enough for something else to kill me. But according to the American Cancer Society statistics, I shouldn’t hold my breath. Fifty times more money […]

Understanding Pleural Plaque and What it Means to You

Unfortunately, many people do not take asbestos-related risks as seriously as they need to considering the multitude of older building materials that may contain asbestos and may result in exposure. The reality is that exposure to asbestos can lead to much more serious side effects than just an irritating cough. Those who have suffered from […]

Pleural Plaques: Know the Facts For Your Own Safety

Many people know that they need to avoid asbestos. If you do not avoid asbestos, you could be diagnosed with pleural plaques, or much worse. If you are working in an environment that has older buildings which may contain asbestos-ridden materials, such as insulation, roofing products, cements, fireproofing products, etc… , you may be at […]