Archive for the "Health" Category


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Herniated & Bulging Disc Treatment

If you’ve been diagnosed with an intervertebral herniated or bulging disc, treatment for your condition is probably of paramount concern. Before you perform too much research on your own, keep in mind that every patient is unique and that no two cases of herniated or bulging discs will be treated exactly the same. That said, […]

Degenerative Spine Disorders

Degenerative spine disorders most commonly occur as a result of the natural aging process. Pause for just a moment to think about the wear and tear that is placed upon your neck and back. Every bend and twist, every harsh impact sustained after car accidents and experienced during athletics, and every pound you’ve ever lifted […]

Treatments For A Degenerative Spine Disease

If you’re suffering from a degenerative spine disease such as degenerative disc disease or spinal arthritis, your physician has likely prescribed a regimen of conservative, nonsurgical treatments. He or she has also likely explained that it can take several weeks or months before you find relief from your symptoms of pain, numbness, tingling, and muscle […]

Degenerative Spine Conditions – Types & Symptoms

Degenerative spine conditions come in many forms, but all have at least one thing in common: They occur as a result of the gradual deterioration of one or more of the spine’s anatomical components. This deterioration typically occurs as a result of the natural aging process, though certain risk factors – including obesity, participation in […]

Treatments For A Degenerative Spine Disease

If you’re suffering from a degenerative spine disease such as degenerative disc disease or spinal arthritis, your physician has likely prescribed a regimen of conservative, nonsurgical treatments. He or she has also likely explained that it can take several weeks or months before you find relief from your symptoms of pain, numbness, tingling, and muscle […]

Degenerative Spine Disorders

Degenerative spine disorders most commonly occur as a result of the natural aging process. Pause for just a moment to think about the wear and tear that is placed upon your neck and back. Every bend and twist, every harsh impact sustained after car accidents and experienced during athletics, and every pound you’ve ever lifted […]

Herniated & Bulging Disc Treatment

If you’ve been diagnosed with an intervertebral herniated or bulging disc, treatment for your condition is probably of paramount concern. Before you perform too much research on your own, keep in mind that every patient is unique and that no two cases of herniated or bulging discs will be treated exactly the same. That said, […]

Tips For Staying Comfortable After Back or Neck Surgery

No matter what kind of back or neck surgery you have, there is going to be a period of recovery at home where you are managing some pain or discomfort. However, there are many small things you can do to make yourself more comfortable. First of all, one of the most common misconceptions is that […]

Tips For Preventing Arthritis and Back Pain

As we get older, it seems like we encounter more aches and pains than we did when we were younger. Arthritis and back pain is quite common, especially among the older population. Many people might think of these pains as inevitable or treatable with supplements and vitamins, but this is simply not the case. You […]

Degenerative Spine Conditions – Types & Symptoms

Degenerative spine conditions come in many forms, but all have at least one thing in common: They occur as a result of the gradual deterioration of one or more of the spine’s anatomical components. This deterioration typically occurs as a result of the natural aging process, though certain risk factors – including obesity, participation in […]