Archive for the "Sports" Category


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Expectation Vs. Reality, A Canadiens Reality Check

Well, Canadiens fans, we are officially 10% through the season (well, not exactly, but you get the idea). That means it is time to bring out the gavel and make some judgments about the team. Unfortunately, with a 7-3-1 record

Simple Golf Swing Technique – Chip Like You Putt

When you are around the greens, try to chip like you putt. This simple golf swing technique can help you gain consistency and shave strokes off your game. Many golfers who struggle with chip shots do so because they allow their wrists to break during the backswing. This leads to what is commonly referred to […]

My Footballing Products

I wake I the morning feeling snug and warm, a feeling of safety and comfort is gained from knowing that I am lying under a duvet cover emblazened in my favourite football team, my head has firmly pressed an 8 hour groove into the matching pillow cases of said football team. As much as I […]

How to Play Golf – Lower Your Golf Scores Using Visualization and Strategy

A Great Story, A Great Experience, and a Great Lesson I was recently invited to play golf with a friend of mine and it is a story that I have to share. The mind when given good visual images is capable of performing tremendous athletic performances. When you see real world examples of it in […]

How to Play Golf – Target Your Way to Lower Scores

Learn How To Play Golf Using A Game Plan For Each Hole We are standing on the tee box of a dogleg left par 5 that measures 520 yards. The hole doglegs left at about 45 degrees in the landing area of the tee shot. Out of bounds extends the entire distance on the left […]

How to Play Golf – Learn to Paint Scoring Masterpieces

Greatness Comes From The Master expressing His Visions On A Canvas Think back to some of your best rounds of golf or greatest shots. Everything around you at the time seemed to be moving in slow motion with vivid colors, sounds, and smells. It was like you were part of a painting that was happening […]

Golf Tips For Beginners – Developing a Conversion Mindset

Converting Is Your Priority You are at the short game practice area. You decide to practice chip shots using a 7 iron. You hit the first chip shot and the ball ends up 6 feet short of the hole. After adjustments, you hit the second chip shot and the ball ends up 6 feet past […]

Golf Short Game Drills – Improve Conversion Success Using the Gate Drill

How To Practice Using The Gate Drill Our highest priority in short game practice is learning how to convert more up and down attempts. An up and down attempt is defined as a short shot and putt for par. The short shot can be a chip, pitch, or sand shot. Most golfers use the same […]

The Mechanics of Effective Muay Thai Boxing

Muay Thai Boxing has been a favorite of the people of Thai for over 500 years, and today, the enthusiasm for the sport still remains. For the most part of its history, this form of boxing was a very brutal and dangerous sport. This is because initially, this sport was used mainly as the major […]

The Mystery of Muay Thai Boxing

Muay Thai Boxing is a much favored sport in the whole of Thailand, and a well loved entertainment in most parts of the world. It is in fact more popular than any other sport in Thailand. Muay Thai Boxing is a very rigorous art that requires a lot more energy, concentration, and intelligence as compared […]