Archive for the "Sports" Category


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Gain Muscle Like Chris Hemsworth

Chris Hemsworth is really popular right now, and a lot of guys are striving to get ripped the same way that he did for the movie Thor. Most people have a general idea of how to get started, but if you really want to gain that much muscle you might want to brush up on […]

Get Ripped Like Chris Hemsworth Without Over-Training

If you are working on getting ripped like Chris Hemsworth, you are probably pushing it to the limit. However, you have to watch it because it is not going to do you any good to push your muscles too far. Your weight training isn’t going to be as effective if you over-train. Plus, you could […]

Tips For Getting Lean And Muscular Like Ryan Reynolds

If you are one of the many men that desire to look like Ryan Reynolds, the key to your success is going to be to get rid of your body fat and define your muscles. However, there is no way that you are going to be able to do this without eating the right things. […]

Getting A Lean Body Like Ryan Reynolds

It’s no surprise that a lot of guys want to have a body like Ryan Reynolds. The trend right now is to have a lean and muscular body like he has, rather than the big and bulky body of a competitive bodybuilder. But will it even be possible for the average guy to get this […]

Tips For Gaining Muscle Like Chris Hemsworth

If your goal is to bulk up like Chris Hemsworth in Thor, you are in for some fast muscle gain. Sometimes it gets overwhelming trying to sift through all of the muscle gain tips and advice, especially if you are searching for information on the internet. The funny thing is, out of everything out there, […]

The Advantages Of Doing A Full Body Workout Routine

With a full body workout routine, not only are you able to effectively build lean muscle and burn fat, but you also get to spend less time in the gym! The thing is that you will only get the results you desire if you approach your workouts in the proper way. First of all, you […]

Advice On Getting A Body Like Ryan Reynolds

There are so many guys out there who are hoping that their workout routines will help them get the same results that Ryan Reynolds has gotten. What’s really impressive about Ryan is that even long after he has completed his movie roles he still maintains all of that lean muscle. He has a lot of […]

Tips For Building Muscle Like Ryan Reynolds

Right now a lot of guys are trying to achieve the same lean muscular type of look that Ryan Reynolds has. It isn’t just that guys want to know how to build muscle like he did, but they also want to know how to do it fast. Luckily, there are certain things that you can […]

What Does The Daniel Craig Workout Consist Of?

If you are wondering what the Daniel Craig workout consists of, he actually does a full body workout. The good news is, even if you are just a beginner a full body workout will still be ideal for you. They are designed to work for all levels of experience. It used to be that the […]

Get A Body Like Mark Wahlberg

A lot of guys looking for a body like Mark Wahlberg a looking for answers as to how they can quickly gain muscle. The first step you are going to have to take is to choose a plan. This is the only way that you are going to be able to gain muscle mass with […]