What Makes the Heart Beat : Fascinating Facts About Cardiac Cells

Cardiologists work with one of the most amazing organs in the entire human body: the human heart. One of the features that makes the heart so special is the cellular structure of its tissue. The cardiac muscle cells are what allow blood to flow through the heart and therefore feed the rest of the body’s […]

What To Expect When Preparing For Surgery

If you’re gearing up for surgery, it’s important to understand what’s in store for you. Preparing to have any type of operation is never easy, but simply knowing what to expect can help you feel more at ease with the whole process. After it’s been determined that you’ll be having surgery, you’ll likely be scheduled […]

How Omega-3 Fatty Acids Can Improve Your Health

Individuals seeking to reduce their risk of heart disease, diminish inflammation, increase brain function, and lower the chances of developing chronic diseases such as cancer and arthritis have been turning to a nutrient that their body needs but can’t produce on its own: omega-3 fatty acids. These essential fatty acids are introduced into the body […]

How the Use of Kettlebell Exercises Can Benefit Physical Therapy Patients

For individuals who have gone through a surgery or specific injury, the road to recovery can be filled with a variety of challenges, successes, doubts, and triumphs. It also may be peppered with exercises – from the simplest, most basic movements in the beginning, to more advanced activities when the body is eventually ready. Each […]

Discover the Best Food Physical Fitness Experts Recommend For Healthy Body

Eating well is not only extremely important but sometimes can be a pleasant experience as well. But that doesn\’t necessarily mean one has to hog continuously. On the other hand one has to remember that moderation is the key and should consume food in smaller quantities but on a frequent basis. According to almost all […]

Low-Impact Exercises

Whether it’s because of old age, an athletic injury, or a health condition, many individuals are unable to participate in high-impact exercises. But, these same individuals are still encouraged to exercise regularly, leaving some of them confused as to what activities are acceptable. If you’re not sure what type of physical activity will benefit you […]

Five Double Chin Exercise Secrets Revealed – How to Get Rid of Chin and Neck Fat

The lack of exercise and poor eating habits can lead to weight gain, or worse, obesity. The extra weight added to the body manifests in different ways. Some of them end up in the stomach region, while others in the arms and thighs. However, the most prominent manifestation is the dreaded double chin. An extra […]

5 Healthy Day Trips in Pennsylvania

So, it’s 2013 and, so far, you can count yourself among the Pennsylvanians who are doing all the right things when it comes to keeping their resolutions. You’re eating right, sleeping well, cutting out the soda and other sweets, and hitting the gym on the daily. All that aside, you’re starting to feel boredom set […]

Telomeres – Key to Longevity

Telomere is a region of repetitive DNA at the end of a chromosome, which protects the end of the chromosome from deterioration. Telomeres are crucial to the life of the cell. They keep the ends of the various chromosomes in the cell from accidentally becoming attached to each other. In human blood cells, the length […]

Build Your Own First Aid Kit

If you’ve ever purchased a first aid kit, then you may know that many of the kits sold on the market today are simply inadequate. Some contain nothing more than a couple of band aids and an alcohol swab or two. While this may come in handy if you sustain a small, minor cut, it […]